Extract Hyperlinks



I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of hyperlinks - all in the same column.
All of the hyperlinks have friendly names (i.e. the cell shows "Microsoft"
with a hyperlink of www.microsoft.com)

Problem is the spreadsheet now needs to be saved as a text file for import
into another application - the actual addresses that the hyperlinks point to
are the critical information.

I need to remove the friendly name and leave the hyperlink.

A perfect world would leave the friendly name in one column and put the
hyperlink address in the next column.


Ron de Bruin

Hi mtstream

Try this for the hyperlinks in column A
It will display the address in column B

Sub Test()
Dim hlnk As Hyperlink
For Each hlnk In Columns("A").Hyperlinks
hlnk.Parent.Offset(0, 1).Value = hlnk.Address
End Sub



Ron de Bruin said:
Hi mtstream

Try this for the hyperlinks in column A
It will display the address in column B

Sub Test()
Dim hlnk As Hyperlink
For Each hlnk In Columns("A").Hyperlinks
hlnk.Parent.Offset(0, 1).Value = hlnk.Address
End Sub

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