See function below to return value. Just call it by putting the formula
"=extractedvalue(c13)" in an empty cell.
Function ExtractedValue(SubjectText As Variant)
Dim CurrSymbol As String
CurrSymbol = "$"
Dim x, y, z As Integer
Dim Exists, IsValue As Boolean
Dim IntegerText As String
Dim FractionText As String
Dim IntegerPart As Variant
Dim FractionPart As Variant
IntegerText = ""
'check CurrSymbol exists in the phrase, if not exit with error
Exists = False
For x = 1 To Len(SubjectText)
If Mid(SubjectText, x, 1) = CurrSymbol Then
Exists = True
End If
Next x
If Exists = False Then
ExtractedValue = CurrSymbol & " Not Found"
Exit Function
End If
'find the first occurance of currsymbol
x = 1
While Mid(SubjectText, x, 1) <> CurrSymbol
x = x + 1
'throw away the first bit
For y = x + 1 To Len(SubjectText)
IntegerText = IntegerText & Mid(SubjectText, y, 1)
Next y
'walk throught the IntegerText untile we run our of numbers.
IsValue = True
x = 1
While IsValue = True
If _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 0 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 1 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 2 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 3 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 4 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 5 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 6 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 7 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 8 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = 9 Or _
Mid(IntegerText, x, 1) = "," Then
IsValue = False
End If
x = x + 1
IntegerPart = Left(IntegerText, x - 2)
'throw away the integer part bit
For y = x - 1 To Len(IntegerText)
FractionText = FractionText & Mid(IntegerText, y, 1)
Next y
'find if next character is a "."
If Left(FractionText, 1) = "." Then
If _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 0 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 1 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 2 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 3 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 4 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 5 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 6 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 7 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 8 Or _
Mid(FractionText, 2, 1) = 9 Then
'walk through FractionText starting from
'the second character until the character is no varianter a
IsValue = True
x = 2
While IsValue = True
If _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 0 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 1 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 2 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 3 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 4 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 5 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 6 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 7 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 8 Or _
Mid(FractionText, x, 1) = 9 Then
IsValue = False
End If
x = x + 1
FractionPart = Mid(FractionText, 2, x - 3)
End If
End If
FractionPart = FractionPart / (10 ^ Len(FractionPart))
ExtractedValue = IntegerPart + FractionPart
End Function