Cell A1 contains the text below.
In Cell B1, how do extract all the text between <status> and </status> so it
returns "error"
another example, how do I extract all the text between <comment> and
generally, how do I extract text that lies between 2 tags?
thanks a lot...
<errortype>Can't enter BTC - Not currently short</errortype>
<comment><![CDATA[You can't enter an order to Buy To Close (BTC) because
you do not have a short position in BHP.
If you want to enter a BTC, make it conditional on a
not-yet-executed STO order. ]]></comment>
In Cell B1, how do extract all the text between <status> and </status> so it
returns "error"
another example, how do I extract all the text between <comment> and
generally, how do I extract text that lies between 2 tags?
thanks a lot...
<errortype>Can't enter BTC - Not currently short</errortype>
<comment><![CDATA[You can't enter an order to Buy To Close (BTC) because
you do not have a short position in BHP.
If you want to enter a BTC, make it conditional on a
not-yet-executed STO order. ]]></comment>