extracted project problem



Hi to all,
I have a big problem with extraction of projects.
Perhaps I did't understand well the project extraction topic, but
sometime happens that I open my project, make modifications, save and
close it, but when I want to re-open it, PS tells me the project is
already extracted from user X and can't be open (only read-only open
is permitted). The problem is that nobody (neither the user X!!!!) can
reopen the project reading and writing it! How can I force the
possibility to reopen the project, forcing it not to be extracted?
Perhaps with one on the stored procedure on the project server
database?But which?
Thanks a lot for any reply, it's very important!


Thanks a lot Dale,
but today the link looks like broken? Can you give me the document you
refer to?
Thanks a lot!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Gabriele --

The link is broken because we are currently moving our servers from our
office in New Jersey to a new office in the Financial District in Manhattan
(New York City). To check in an enterprise project that is "stuck" in
checked out state, your Project Server administrator should do the

1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click Admin - Manage Enterprise Features
3. Click the Check In Enterprise Projects link in the sidepane on the left
4. Select the checked out project and click the Check-In button

The actual manager of the project can also check in his/her own project by
going to the Project Center page in PWA and clicking the Check In My
Projects link at the bottom of the sidepane on the left. Hope this helps.

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