Extracting cells from worksheet based on value of 2 cells



I have an excel worksheet that is 341 columns by approx 50,000 rows. In
column A each row is given an identifying letter of A-E based on the
information contained within that row. The other 340 colums contain various
further information. I want to be able to extract either the entire or
ideally columns 2, 35, 37 and 269 in to a seperate workbook where column 1 is
equal to D and column 37 is within a specied date period (37 contains date
claim processed).

I've had a few goes at doing this but unfortunately i'm by no means an excel
expert and the only way i can get it to work is by using very basic IF/AND
statements and pulling through the claims that meet the criteria and ignoring
the ones that don't, unfortunately this means i'm left with thousands of
blank rows and have tried to copy and paste a code on another thread that
would remove these automatically and this works fine on a cut down version
(say a few hundred rows) but when ran against the entire workbook of 50,000
takes a long time to compelte and i'm sure there must we a way of just
extracting the information i want without the blank rows.

Many Thanks

Bernie Deitrick


Select your table, and apply data filters. Then filter on column A for the value D, then on column
37, using custom: "greater than or equal to" and select the start date, then "less than or equal
to" and the finish date.

Then select your table, use Edit / Go to.... special visible cells only (or the equivalent in XL
2007 - not sure what the specific steps are, but the functionality is there) and then copy and paste
in your other sheet. Then delete the extra columns.

MS Excel MVP

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