Extracting Comma Seperated data into individual Cells



Again, I must turn to the Excel Power Users with another dilemna. In th
attached XLS I have 4 columns of data. My problem is extracting the dat
in columns B, C & D. I need to extract each color type to it's ow
individual cell. Example: I need 131A-Dark Gray placed in cell A1
133-Blue placed in cell A2, 451-Burgundy placed in A3, etc, etc. Th
Data from columns C & D would also be placed in it's own row in th
same way. Also as you can see each cell doesn't contain the same numbe
of entries. This is for a project that is almost complete except fo
this data. I have tried to obtain this data for 3 days now.

Is there a way with a formula I can extract the individual colo
options for each item into a new sheet or am I going to have to d
these entries manually, Yikes, I hope not I have 275 items. Someon
suggested a Pivot Table and I have played with that for a whole da
without any success. I feel like an idiot!!!!! I know that someon
out there must know something

I now turn this over to all the brains.


Here is some additional information that may help. Each one of th
color options in the cell is seperated by a comma so is there a way t
get the data to the left and between the commas

|Filename: Options.pdf
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5049

tim m

I couldn't get to look at your spreadsheet but you say that the data is all
seperated by commas? Can you not use 'Data'....'text to
columns'.....'delimited'....comma as a seperator?


Thanks Tim, I used that and it worked really good. Much easier than
entering them all over.

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