extracting contents to another cell based on specified criteria



I need help with the code below.

With this cell i need to keep "MONTH 1" in its current cell and
move "90-Second Speech" to the adjacent cell:

below is what i currently have:

' this is the contents of the cell
MONTH 1 90-Second Speech

cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Trim(Right(cell.Value, Len(cell.Value) -
start_str - 7))
cell.Value = Trim(Left(cell.Value, Len(myword) + start_str + 2))

' this is how i find the cell
myword = MONTH or DAY (this is how i locate the cells)

The MONTH sometimes can be DAY and the number can be single digit or
double digit so my current workaround will not work everytime.

I am sure there is a cleaner way of doing this though. I don't like
having to place a 7 and a 2 in order to get the proper string. Can
help with this?

God bless

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