Extracting Data after a List Sort



I have a colum (B) of 36 Players and column (C) of scores. Column "A" is the
rankings of each player, 1-36. After the scores are inputed and I use the
list feature (Only Col. B and Col. C) to sort them in acsending order, how
can I look at the rankings of the player that was just moved on another sheet?

Col. A Col. B Col. C

1 Name 1 56
2 Name 2 34
3 Name 3 44

After I sort only COL B and COL C, Name 2 will now be #1 on the list. How
can I reference this on another sheet? Name 2 needs to look at Col. A, Row 2
before the sort, but now neds to look at Col. A, row 1 after the sort. Any
help would be appreciated

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