Extracting data from a file


Roger Rabbit

I am trying to extract data from a data file that was part of a Win 3.1
application. The application seems unusable as it crashes on my Win XP.

This file appears to be a document and was bundled with what appears to be a
Visual Basic 3.0 application (Microsoft Jet 300 Dll's). The document file
has no extension and is about 13Mb in size. I thought possibly that this
file could have been created in Microsoft Word 6.0 format however when I
open it in this format the letters are mostly symbols (garbled.) I have also
tried opening it in Word 2002 using different encoding formats, however its
always garbled.

where to from here ?

Roger Rabbit

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You might try opening in Notepad, but if that doesn't help, it's probably
beyond recovery (or is a binary file with nothing resembling text in it).

Jonathan West

Roger Rabbit said:
I am trying to extract data from a data file that was part of a Win 3.1
application. The application seems unusable as it crashes on my Win XP.

This file appears to be a document and was bundled with what appears to be
Visual Basic 3.0 application (Microsoft Jet 300 Dll's). The document file
has no extension and is about 13Mb in size. I thought possibly that this
file could have been created in Microsoft Word 6.0 format however when I
open it in this format the letters are mostly symbols (garbled.) I have
tried opening it in Word 2002 using different encoding formats, however
always garbled.

where to from here ?

Maybe you could give us more of a clue, such as the name of the application,
and maybe the filename of the file itself? Have you tried doing a Google
search on the application or the filename?

The file is most unlikely to be a Word document of any description. Word 2.0
or 6.0 (the versions that were available under Windows 3.1) would have
completely choked on a 13MB document.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition www.classicvb.org

jay m

the MS jet dlls would suggest Access, wouldn't it?
Another approach, of course-
Why don't you throw the app on a computer with Win98? It plays pretty
well with the older apps.
If desperation strikes, you could always throw Win 3.1 on a machine..


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