Extracting Data from a list



I am trying to extract data from a list which is set up as follows:

A2 Microsoft B2 31/12/2004 C2 10
A3 Microsoft B3 31/01/2005 C3 11
A4 Microsoft B4 28/02/2005 C4 12
A5 IBM B5 31/12/2004 C5 66
A6 IBM B6 31/01/2005 C6 69
A7 IBM B7 28/02/2005 C7 72

In one formula I would like to be able to extract the value from colum
C that meets a crierion in both columns A and B - for example, IBM an

I'd really appreciate it if someone can show me a formula that will d

Many thanks


Depending on what you want to do with the result...........one way is to
insert a new column A and concatenate the old A2 and B2 into the new A2, and
copy down, then use a VLOOKUP formula to find that value and step over to the
column you want....like
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Ron Coderre

See if something like this works for you:


Does that help?


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