SharkTracker said:
Generally when i use total slack in divide it by 8 which results in days. The
problem I run into is when total slack oe even duration is in elasped days.
How can I tell if duration or total slack is in elasped days so I can divide
it by 24?
I'm not familiar with the "reporting database", (maybe it's Project
Server nomenclature), but Project stores all time related data (e.g.
duration, slack, etc.) in minutes. Therefore to extract duration data
from the database, the user would need to divide by 480 to convert to
days, assuming the default 8 hour day. If you are in fact able to divide
by 8 to convert hours of duration to days then that tells me the
reporting database data is in "display" format so it should be a simple
matter of checking the string for the presence of "e" or "ed" to
determine if the data is working time or elapsed time.
On the other hand if the data is in minutes your best bet is to find the
time difference between the start and finish. By inference you will be
able to tell if it is working time or elapsed time.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP