extracting embedded or Ole Object data



Hi all.
I have need to pull text data from an embedded, or an OLE object I pull
from-- in this case-- an AutoCAD DWG file.
Thus far I've been going through the embedded element one line-item at a
time, and have finally gotten tired of it.
Is there a way to pull the information off of an embedded object within
I'm using Office2007.
Thank you.


Good morning Joel.
I posted once, but got an error message saying there was too much traffic to
post, so I'll try again. If it ends up showing up as a double post, just
ignore one of these.
Please bear with me while I try to remember what I'd said before.

The general case is that we make small regional maps that show assessor
parcel numbers- APN's, and their respective acreages. We also make up Excel
worksheets that show those APN's, and their acreages. From time to time we
update those maps, and because of the map update we need to update our excel
records that keep track of the owners of the respective APN's. To facilitate
my updating, I select an "image" of the map, or highlight the APN data, and
select it. It then pastes that data into my worksheet as an object
(=EMBED("AutoCAD.Drawing.17","")). That is the equation in the formula bar.
The name box just calls it an "object."

For source data to start working from, please go to our website-- address
below. You'll need the dwf viewer from AutoDesk. We have a link at the top of
that webpage. Select any map in the list, and then "copy an image" of the APN

Sample data below.

APN Acreage
036-581-03 0.11
036-581-04 0.13
036-581-05 0.09

As I think about your statement regarding the importation of a text file, I
remember that I've done that in the past. I did in fact think aboutthat, and
did not consider it the same as what I'd done before, because this shows up
as an image, instead of an editable text (*.txt) file.


I was looking at the drawings with a viewer (not autcad). These images a
graphic images and you can't extract text from these files.

You need to work with the CAD package that created the drawings and perform
and export to get text data. Once your data strings are in text they can be
automatically imported into excel.

There are usually text formats that the CAD vendors use to transfer files
from one CAD package to another that aren't graphic. these berst bet is to
use one of these formkats and see if the data your are looking for are in
these files.

I can extracrt any data from a text file using macros. I cna't extract this
data from the graphic files on the website.


ok, so seeking to extract "graphical" data will not work.
I'll look at ACad to see how to export the text in the files to a text file,
and then I know how to import txt files to excel. Or at least I once knew how

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