Our requirement is to extract the timephased data from the
MSP_TIMEPHASED_DATA table stored in SQL Server. After reviewing the
ProjDB.HTM project database tables information and examining the actual
storage or data in this table it looks like an near impossible job to
extract/interpret the data for a DAY by DAY view. Has anyone done this?
I have already developed a method to extract the timephased data using the
OLEDB provider for MS Project which presents task, assignment and resource
views of data at all time levels (i.e. minute, hour, day, etc..) This works
really well and we have developed a solution that meets our requirements
perfectly from this data source. However, this method requires the MS
Project be installed on the Workstation/PC (i.e. the OLEDB provider is
installed by MS Project). The problem with this is that ALL users(clients)
or our application software will require MS Project to be installed to be
able to view this data. Whilst it is NOT MANDATORY to have MS project
installed to run our software there will be certain aspects of our software
which cannot be used unless MS Project is installed.
Assistance, comments or advise most welcome.
MSP_TIMEPHASED_DATA table stored in SQL Server. After reviewing the
ProjDB.HTM project database tables information and examining the actual
storage or data in this table it looks like an near impossible job to
extract/interpret the data for a DAY by DAY view. Has anyone done this?
I have already developed a method to extract the timephased data using the
OLEDB provider for MS Project which presents task, assignment and resource
views of data at all time levels (i.e. minute, hour, day, etc..) This works
really well and we have developed a solution that meets our requirements
perfectly from this data source. However, this method requires the MS
Project be installed on the Workstation/PC (i.e. the OLEDB provider is
installed by MS Project). The problem with this is that ALL users(clients)
or our application software will require MS Project to be installed to be
able to view this data. Whilst it is NOT MANDATORY to have MS project
installed to run our software there will be certain aspects of our software
which cannot be used unless MS Project is installed.
Assistance, comments or advise most welcome.