I found this formula. How can it be mended to extract the numbers from
alphanumeric data into a new column? The number also includes other
characters e.g. "/" and "-" or a letter which would need to be included on
the extraction and could be at the end or beginning of the string (basically
street name and house number)
55 Grove Hill
Rűpniecîbas iela 2789
Senatorska 18A
Ul. Brzezińska 50/15
Many thanks
I found this formula. How can it be mended to extract the numbers from
alphanumeric data into a new column? The number also includes other
characters e.g. "/" and "-" or a letter which would need to be included on
the extraction and could be at the end or beginning of the string (basically
street name and house number)
55 Grove Hill
Rűpniecîbas iela 2789
Senatorska 18A
Ul. Brzezińska 50/15
Many thanks