I have multiple worksheets and any time something is entered on one of them I
want it to show up on my totals page. As an example we have mulitple sheets
with the headings. They must be all in separate sheets and can not be
combined into one.
First sheet
[Voucher Number] [Branch] [Invoice] [Customer]
12344 Fred 12345 Frank
Second sheet
[Voucher Number] [Branch] [Invoice] [Customer]
2222 Sussex 0003 Sam
Totals Sheet
[Voucher Number] [Branch] [Invoice] [Customer]
12344 Fred 12345 Frank
2222 Sussex 0003 Sam
want it to show up on my totals page. As an example we have mulitple sheets
with the headings. They must be all in separate sheets and can not be
combined into one.
First sheet
[Voucher Number] [Branch] [Invoice] [Customer]
12344 Fred 12345 Frank
Second sheet
[Voucher Number] [Branch] [Invoice] [Customer]
2222 Sussex 0003 Sam
Totals Sheet
[Voucher Number] [Branch] [Invoice] [Customer]
12344 Fred 12345 Frank
2222 Sussex 0003 Sam