I need to extract text that looks like "|Acc - Lease, FAS 5, legal,
contingency & commit issues|Acc - Depreciation, depletion or amortization
issues|Acc - Lease, leasehold & FAS 13 (98) (subcategory) issues|" without
the quotes and this is the text from one cell. Another cell in the same
column looks like "|Acc - Financial derivatives/hedging (FAS 133) acctg
issues|Acc - Income statemt classification, margin and EPS issues|".
As you can see, the cells have varying amounts of separated text - i.e. the
first example has 3 and the second example has 2. I would like to be able to
extract the text that is contained between each | into a list.
I have access to all versions of excel. Any help would be so wonderfully
appreciated. I can usually figure these functions out on my own, but this one
has me stumped.
contingency & commit issues|Acc - Depreciation, depletion or amortization
issues|Acc - Lease, leasehold & FAS 13 (98) (subcategory) issues|" without
the quotes and this is the text from one cell. Another cell in the same
column looks like "|Acc - Financial derivatives/hedging (FAS 133) acctg
issues|Acc - Income statemt classification, margin and EPS issues|".
As you can see, the cells have varying amounts of separated text - i.e. the
first example has 3 and the second example has 2. I would like to be able to
extract the text that is contained between each | into a list.
I have access to all versions of excel. Any help would be so wonderfully
appreciated. I can usually figure these functions out on my own, but this one
has me stumped.