Extracting top performing products by region



I have to analyse different products being sold in different regions, the
data are tabulated by products and by region. I have to extractthe best
selling product by region and overall.

The table is as follows:

desc Region1 Region2 Region3 Total
Prod A 2 5 6 13
Prod B 8 4 2 14
Prod C 6 2 7 15

Top Perf Prod B Prod A Prod C Prod C

Can anyone help me with a formula which would extract the top performing
product for each region and overall.

Looking forward to receiving your valuable help

Mike H


try this in a cell and drag right. I have assumed your table is in A1 - E4



Mike H

I pasted the formula after I had dragged it, strat with this one and drag right




Thanks works out great

Mike H said:
I pasted the formula after I had dragged it, strat with this one and drag right



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