Extracting Unicode MAPI properties using CDO


Bertin Colpron

I am designing a custom mail form and I need to extract some of the
sender MAPI properties using vbscript and CDO. For instance:

Dim cdoSession 'As MAPI.Session
Dim cdoAddrEntry 'As AddressEntry

Set cdoSession = CreateObject("Mapi.session")
cdoSession.Logon ,,false,false,0 'Use the existing Outlook
Set cdoAddrEntry = cdoSession.CurrentUser

MsgBox "SenderLastName: " & cdoAddrEntry.fields(&h3a11001F)

The code above works fine for ANSI strings. Unicode strings, on the
other hand, are apparently converted to ANSI. Some (or all) characters
are converted to the question mark character ('?').

For example the string "ΚαλημέÏα κόσμε" becomes "?a??µ??a

Interestingly, retrieving such Unicode strings from a custom property
or from a control works fine.

I am using Outlook 2003 SP1 on WinXP SP connected to a Exchange 2003


Bertin Colpron

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