Extreme, time-consuming processing



After I open an ASCII text-file into Excel 2007, it takes at least 1/2
hour to insert and delete a column; replace data;,copy-and-paste data,

Pressing Escape does not cancel the process.

During this time, "Not Responding" is often displayed.

Clicking the "X" will close the application but AutoRecover then takes
a long time to complete.


I've run Ad-Aware 2007, SPYBOT, CCleaner, and Symantic Anti-Virus to
delete any possible virures, Spyware, malware, etc. In Windows XP,
I've clicked on Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Tools and
used Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter. I've even deleted other
large files. But none of these seem to cure the lengthy processes.

What else can I do?

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