Extreme VB Scripting problems



Hi Experts,
The following is the module that has been created.

What it does is the script import and reaad line by lines from a rpt file
and extract certain information into a new excel worksheet each time it runs.

There is a standard worksheet call "template" that it will copy and rename
the worksheet to " MMM 'YY"

I start facing problem when date as indicated below from the raw data.
Date.......: 01/01/2005
Day of Week: Saturday

The problem only happens when date value > Year 2004.

It read the data correctly but it bypasses the copy template to template
(2), hence the rename of the worksheet will not work.

I do hope some excel experts out there can share some experience in
resolving this issue.

The script as follow

Sub Start()
Sheets("Abandon Calls (Rpt Mth)").Activate 'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation
Sheets("Abandon Calls (12 mths history)").Activate 'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation

Sheets("Setup").Activate 'Select Worksheet
RowCount = 11 'Read line from Row 11
ReadIn (Sheets("Setup").Cells(7, 3).Value + "\" +
Sheets("Setup").Cells(RowCount, 3).Value) 'Run sub program Read File
RowCount = RowCount + 1
'Do loop untill
Loop Until (Sheets("Setup").Cells(RowCount, 3).Value = "")
'Row is empty

Sheets("Abandon Calls (Rpt Mth)").Activate
'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
'Enable calculation
Sheets("Abandon Calls (12 mths history)").Activate
'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
'Enable calculation
End Sub
Sub ReadIn(SrcFile)
LineRd = 0 'Line Read starting
from Line 0
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Setup and create
the object
Set FF = fs.OpentextFile(SrcFile, 1) 'Setup FF as the
instance of the text file
Rep_Mnth = #1/1/2004# 'Assign variable
Rep_Mnth = 1/1/2004
Rpt_Mth = "" 'Assign variable
Rpt_Mth = ""
TmpV = "" 'Assign variable
TmpV = ""
Dim Field_Data(5) 'Declare each record
have 5 data

Do While Not (FF.AtEndOfStream) 'Do while source
file is not End of stream
LineRd = LineRd + 1 'Line + 1
Rec_Read = FF.ReadLine 'Temporary Store
Line in Rec_Read

If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3) And (Right(ACD, 5) = "45399")) Then
'If Read Line contains 3 : or ACD 45399 then
If InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3 Then
'If Read Line contains 3 :
Rec_Tme = Right("00" + LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 5 - 4, 5)), 5)
'Trim the time
TmpV = RTrim(LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 78 - 4, 5)))
'Temporary value

Field_Data(1) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 146 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Abandon value to Field Data 1
Field_Data(2) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 12 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Actual Agent to Field Data 2
Field_Data(3) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 49 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Average Call per aent to Field Data 3
Field_Data(4) = Round(CInt(Left(TmpV, InStr(TmpV, ":") - 1)) +
(CInt(Right(TmpV, 2)) / 60), 2) 'Assign Average Talk Time b seconds to Field
Data 4
Field_Data(5) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 39 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
call received to Field Data 5

If New_Mnth Then 'If It is new month
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True 'Enable calculation
Sht_Found = False 'Assign Sht_Found value
= false
For TmpV = 4 To Sheets.Count 'For loop till Tmp =
4th sheet
If Sheets(TmpV).Name = Rpt_Mth Then 'If 4th sheet = Rpt_Mth
Sht_Found = True 'Assign Sht_Found value
= true
TmpV = Sheets.Count 'TmpV = sheet count
End If 'End if

If Not Sht_Found Then 'If
Worksheets("Template").Copy After:=Worksheets("Template")
'Copy Template Worksheet
Sheets("Template (2)").Select
'Select Template(2)
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = Rpt_Mth
'Rename Template (2) to Rpt_Mth
End If
'Select Worksheet
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = False
'Disable calculation
End If

Sheets("Jan '05").Select
'Select Worksheet
Col_Indx = Day(Rec_Date) + 3
Cells(3, Col_Indx).Select
Row_Indx = 4 + (CInt(Left(Rec_Tme, 2)) + CInt(Right(Rec_Tme, 2)) /
60) / 0.5
For TmpV = 1 To 5
If (Field_Data(TmpV) > 0) Then
Cells(Row_Indx + (TmpV - 1) * 50, Col_Indx).Value =
End If
End If
If (InStr(1, Rec_Read, "ACD-DN....") > 0) Then
ACD = LTrim(Left(LTrim(RTrim(Right(Rec_Read, Len(Rec_Read) - 23))),
If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, "Date.......:") > 0) And (InStr(1, Rec_Read,
"(cont.)") = 0)) Then 'If read string starting after "Date...:" consist of
value > and string with cont.
Rec_Date = LTrim(RTrim(Right(Rec_Read, Len(Rec_Read) - 13))) 'Get
date in format 01/01/2005
Rec_Date = Mid(Rec_Date, 4, 2) + "/" + Mid(Rec_Date, 1, 2) + "/" +
Mid(Rec_Date, 7, 4) '
'Returns a Variant (String) containing a specified number of
characters from a string.
'Mid(string, start[, length])

Rec_Date = CDate(Rec_Date)

If Not (Month(Rep_Mnth) = Month(Rec_Date)) Then
Rep_Mnth = Rec_Date
Rpt_Mth = Format(Rep_Mnth, "mmm 'yy")
Sheets("Setup").Cells(3, 3).Value = Rep_Mnth
New_Mnth = True
New_Mnth = False
End If 'End If Not (Month(Rep_Mnth) = Month(Rec_Date))
End If 'Enf If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, "Date.......:") > 0) And
(InStr(1, Rec_Read, "(cont.)") = 0)) Then
End If
End If
'End Loop
'Close file
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = True
'Enbable Calculation
MsgBox ("Extraction of Data Completed, " + CStr(LineRd) + " lines
processed.") 'Completion Message
End Sub



This is a lot to review. I'd like to help, but it's hard to evaluate what
is going on without a sample of the text file. Could you post an example of
what the text file looks like?


Ronald said:
Hi Experts,
The following is the module that has been created.

What it does is the script import and reaad line by lines from a rpt file
and extract certain information into a new excel worksheet each time it runs.

There is a standard worksheet call "template" that it will copy and rename
the worksheet to " MMM 'YY"

I start facing problem when date as indicated below from the raw data.
Date.......: 01/01/2005
Day of Week: Saturday

The problem only happens when date value > Year 2004.

It read the data correctly but it bypasses the copy template to template
(2), hence the rename of the worksheet will not work.

I do hope some excel experts out there can share some experience in
resolving this issue.

The script as follow

Sub Start()
Sheets("Abandon Calls (Rpt Mth)").Activate 'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation
Sheets("Abandon Calls (12 mths history)").Activate 'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation

Sheets("Setup").Activate 'Select Worksheet
RowCount = 11 'Read line from Row 11
ReadIn (Sheets("Setup").Cells(7, 3).Value + "\" +
Sheets("Setup").Cells(RowCount, 3).Value) 'Run sub program Read File
RowCount = RowCount + 1
'Do loop untill
Loop Until (Sheets("Setup").Cells(RowCount, 3).Value = "")
'Row is empty

Sheets("Abandon Calls (Rpt Mth)").Activate
'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
'Enable calculation
Sheets("Abandon Calls (12 mths history)").Activate
'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
'Enable calculation
End Sub
Sub ReadIn(SrcFile)
LineRd = 0 'Line Read starting
from Line 0
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Setup and create
the object
Set FF = fs.OpentextFile(SrcFile, 1) 'Setup FF as the
instance of the text file
Rep_Mnth = #1/1/2004# 'Assign variable
Rep_Mnth = 1/1/2004
Rpt_Mth = "" 'Assign variable
Rpt_Mth = ""
TmpV = "" 'Assign variable
TmpV = ""
Dim Field_Data(5) 'Declare each record
have 5 data

Do While Not (FF.AtEndOfStream) 'Do while source
file is not End of stream
LineRd = LineRd + 1 'Line + 1
Rec_Read = FF.ReadLine 'Temporary Store
Line in Rec_Read

If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3) And (Right(ACD, 5) = "45399")) Then
'If Read Line contains 3 : or ACD 45399 then
If InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3 Then
'If Read Line contains 3 :
Rec_Tme = Right("00" + LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 5 - 4, 5)), 5)
'Trim the time
TmpV = RTrim(LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 78 - 4, 5)))
'Temporary value

Field_Data(1) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 146 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Abandon value to Field Data 1
Field_Data(2) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 12 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Actual Agent to Field Data 2
Field_Data(3) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 49 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Average Call per aent to Field Data 3
Field_Data(4) = Round(CInt(Left(TmpV, InStr(TmpV, ":") - 1)) +
(CInt(Right(TmpV, 2)) / 60), 2) 'Assign Average Talk Time b seconds to Field
Data 4
Field_Data(5) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 39 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
call received to Field Data 5

If New_Mnth Then 'If It is new month
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True 'Enable calculation
Sht_Found = False 'Assign Sht_Found value
= false
For TmpV = 4 To Sheets.Count 'For loop till Tmp =
4th sheet
If Sheets(TmpV).Name = Rpt_Mth Then 'If 4th sheet = Rpt_Mth
Sht_Found = True 'Assign Sht_Found value
= true
TmpV = Sheets.Count 'TmpV = sheet count
End If 'End if

If Not Sht_Found Then 'If
Worksheets("Template").Copy After:=Worksheets("Template")
'Copy Template Worksheet
Sheets("Template (2)").Select
'Select Template(2)
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = Rpt_Mth
'Rename Template (2) to Rpt_Mth
End If
'Select Worksheet
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = False
'Disable calculation
End If

Sheets("Jan '05").Select
'Select Worksheet
Col_Indx = Day(Rec_Date) + 3
Cells(3, Col_Indx).Select
Row_Indx = 4 + (CInt(Left(Rec_Tme, 2)) + CInt(Right(Rec_Tme, 2)) /
60) / 0.5
For TmpV = 1 To 5
If (Field_Data(TmpV) > 0) Then
Cells(Row_Indx + (TmpV - 1) * 50, Col_Indx).Value =
End If
End If
If (InStr(1, Rec_Read, "ACD-DN....") > 0) Then
ACD = LTrim(Left(LTrim(RTrim(Right(Rec_Read, Len(Rec_Read) - 23))),
If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, "Date.......:") > 0) And (InStr(1, Rec_Read,
"(cont.)") = 0)) Then 'If read string starting after "Date...:" consist of
value > and string with cont.
Rec_Date = LTrim(RTrim(Right(Rec_Read, Len(Rec_Read) - 13))) 'Get
date in format 01/01/2005
Rec_Date = Mid(Rec_Date, 4, 2) + "/" + Mid(Rec_Date, 1, 2) + "/" +
Mid(Rec_Date, 7, 4) '
'Returns a Variant (String) containing a specified number of
characters from a string.
'Mid(string, start[, length])

Rec_Date = CDate(Rec_Date)

If Not (Month(Rep_Mnth) = Month(Rec_Date)) Then
Rep_Mnth = Rec_Date
Rpt_Mth = Format(Rep_Mnth, "mmm 'yy")
Sheets("Setup").Cells(3, 3).Value = Rep_Mnth
New_Mnth = True
New_Mnth = False
End If 'End If Not (Month(Rep_Mnth) = Month(Rec_Date))
End If 'Enf If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, "Date.......:") > 0) And
(InStr(1, Rec_Read, "(cont.)") = 0)) Then
End If
End If
'End Loop
'Close file
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = True
'Enbable Calculation
MsgBox ("Extraction of Data Completed, " + CStr(LineRd) + " lines
processed.") 'Completion Message
End Sub


Hi Mike,
Attached the sample text file.

Meanwhile, I realised that I can run the text file if it is Feb05 onwards.
the only problem is it just can't recognised 01/01/2005.

Take your time as I had manually input the data for 01/01/2005 as a work

Tue Feb 1 17:16:21 2005 Page 1

ACD Agent Group Performance Periodic Totals

Date.......: 01/01/2005
Day of Week: Saturday
Queue Group:
Period Avg Agents No. Calls Calls Avg Calls ASA TSF Avg
Talk Avg Hold Avg Not Avg Wait Ansd Longest Avg Abandoned No. Abandoned
DN Xfr/Conf Xfr/Conf Avg NonACD Avg Time Position
Ending Act'l Req'd Accepted Answered per Agent
Time:DCP Time:HDCP Rdy:pCP Time Wait Wait Calls
Calls on DN on ACD Call Time Busy Logged-In
______ ___________ __________ ________ _________ _____ ________
________ _________ ________ ________ ____________ ______________
_____________ _____ ________ ________ __________ _________________
ACD-DN...............: 45399
Queue Name...........:
Target Answer Time (for Avg Agents Req'd calculation): 0:20
Target TSF % (Telephone Service Factor)..............: 80.00%
0:30 1 1 2 2 2 0:20 50
0:35 0:00 0:00 14:23 0:24 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 1:10 29:56
2:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:18 100
2:06 0:00 0:00 27:54 0:18 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 2:06 30:00
3:30 1 1 5 3 3 0:30 40
1:43 0:00 0:00 7:45 0:58 0:51 2
1 0 0 1:34 6:44 30:00
4:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:24 0
11:08 0:00 0:00 18:52 0:24 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 11:08 30:00
4:30 1 1 2 2 2 0:15 50
3:44 0:00 0:00 11:16 0:22 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 7:28 30:00
5:30 1 2 2 1 1 0:08 50
3:16 0:00 0:00 13:36 0:08 1:40 1
6 1 0 1:39 16:24 30:00
6:30 1 1 1 1 1 0:14 100
1:14 0:00 0:00 28:46 0:14 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 1:14 30:00
7:00 1 1 2 2 2 0:21 50
1:40 0:00 0:00 13:20 0:32 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 3:20 30:00
8:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:14 100
0:44 0:00 0:00 31:16 0:14 **** 0
4 0 0 1:01 1:37 12:02
8:30 2 1 1 1 0 0:04 100
5:18 0:00 0:00 54:06 0:04 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 2:57 30:00
9:00 2 2 3 3 1 0:06 100
5:00 0:00 0:00 14:47 0:10 **** 0
1 0 0 0:38 7:49 30:00
9:30 2 1 1 1 0 0:04 100
1:10 0:00 0:00 58:50 0:04 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 0:35 30:00
10:00 2 1 2 2 1 0:07 100
2:32 0:02 0:00 25:58 0:10 **** 0
1 0 1 1:30 4:02 30:00
11:00 2 0 1 1 0 0:08 100
0:42 0:00 0:00 59:18 0:08 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 0:21 30:00
11:30 2 1 1 1 0 0:06 100
11:00 0:00 0:00 49:00 0:06 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 5:30 30:00
12:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:04 100
0:56 0:00 5:06 30:52 0:04 **** 0
3 0 0 0:19 3:29 18:55
13:00 1 2 2 1 1 3:12 50
2:46 1:30 0:00 3:36 3:12 0:06 1
2 0 1 7:52 26:24 30:00
14:30 2 1 1 1 0 0:02 100
4:22 0:00 0:00 55:12 0:02 **** 0
1 0 0 0:26 2:24 30:00
17:00 2 2 1 1 0 0:08 100
13:54 0:00 0:00 46:02 0:08 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 6:57 29:58
18:00 2 0 1 1 0 0:02 100
0:30 0:00 0:02 46:18 0:02 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 0:16 23:25
18:30 2 1 4 4 2 0:03 100
2:20 0:04 0:00 12:33 0:04 **** 0
0 0 1 **** 3:13 19:57
21:00 2 1 1 1 0 0:08 100
3:40 0:00 0:00 56:20 0:08 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 1:50 30:00
21:30 2 1 1 1 0 0:24 0
10:54 1:12 0:00 47:58 0:24 **** 0
0 0 1 **** 6:03 30:02
22:30 2 1 2 2 1 0:11 100
1:15 0:01 0:00 28:25 0:12 **** 0
1 0 1 0:20 1:35 30:00
24:00 2 1 2 2 1 0:12 100
1:03 0:01 0:00 58:19 0:14 **** 0
1 0 1 0:40 1:43 1:00:02
----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- --------
SUB-TOTAL (for 80.00%):
2 1 42 38 1 0:17 76
3:17 0:05 0:08 27:36 8:46 0:52 4
21 1 6 1:42 4:24 29:56
SUB-AVERAGE (for 25 records):

----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- --------
SUB-TOTAL (for 45399):
2 1 42 38 1 0:17 76
3:17 0:05 0:08 27:36 8:46 0:52 4
21 1 6 1:42 4:24 29:56
SUB-AVERAGE (for 25 records):

----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- --------
SUB-TOTAL (for ):
2 1 42 38 1 0:17 76
3:17 0:05 0:08 27:36 8:46 0:52 4
21 1 6 1:42 4:24 29:56

Tue Feb 1 17:16:21 2005 Page 2

ACD Agent Group Performance Periodic Totals

Date.......: 01/01/2005 (cont.)
Day of Week: Saturday (cont.)
Queue Group: (cont.)
Period Avg Agents No. Calls Calls Avg Calls ASA TSF Avg
Talk Avg Hold Avg Not Avg Wait Ansd Longest Avg Abandoned No. Abandoned
DN Xfr/Conf Xfr/Conf Avg NonACD Avg Time Position
Ending Act'l Req'd Accepted Answered per Agent
Time:DCP Time:HDCP Rdy:pCP Time Wait Wait Calls
Calls on DN on ACD Call Time Busy Logged-In
______ ___________ __________ ________ _________ _____ ________
________ _________ ________ ________ ____________ ______________
_____________ _____ ________ ________ __________ _________________
ACD-DN...............: 45399 (cont.)
Queue Name...........: (cont.)
Target Answer Time (for Avg Agents Req'd calculation): 0:20 (cont.)
Target TSF % (Telephone Service Factor)..............: 80.00% (cont.)
SUB-AVERAGE (for 25 records):

----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- --------
SUB-TOTAL (for 01/01/2005):
2 1 42 38 1 0:17 76
3:17 0:05 0:08 27:36 8:46 0:52 4
21 1 6 1:42 4:24 29:56
SUB-AVERAGE (for 25 records):

Tue Feb 1 17:16:21 2005 Page 3

ACD Agent Group Performance Periodic Totals

Date.......: 02/01/2005
Day of Week: Sunday
Queue Group:
Period Avg Agents No. Calls Calls Avg Calls ASA TSF Avg
Talk Avg Hold Avg Not Avg Wait Ansd Longest Avg Abandoned No. Abandoned
DN Xfr/Conf Xfr/Conf Avg NonACD Avg Time Position
Ending Act'l Req'd Accepted Answered per Agent
Time:DCP Time:HDCP Rdy:pCP Time Wait Wait Calls
Calls on DN on ACD Call Time Busy Logged-In
______ ___________ __________ ________ _________ _____ ________
________ _________ ________ ________ ____________ ______________
_____________ _____ ________ ________ __________ _________________
ACD-DN...............: 45399
Queue Name...........:
Target Answer Time (for Avg Agents Req'd calculation): 0:20
Target TSF % (Telephone Service Factor)..............: 80.00%
2:00 2 1 1 1 0 0:10 100
7:42 0:00 0:00 52:18 0:10 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 3:51 30:00
4:00 2 1 1 1 0 0:06 100
1:08 0:00 0:00 58:52 0:06 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 0:34 30:00
7:30 1 1 2 2 2 0:13 100
2:11 0:00 0:02 18:52 0:18 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 1:45 14:19
8:30 1 1 1 1 1 0:06 100
5:50 0:00 0:00 24:10 0:06 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 5:50 30:00
11:30 1 1 1 1 1 0:06 100
1:14 0:00 3:24 25:22 0:06 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 4:38 30:00
13:00 1 1 2 2 2 0:08 100
1:44 0:00 0:00 13:16 0:10 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 3:28 30:00
14:30 1 0 1 1 1 0:02 100
0:08 0:00 0:00 29:52 0:02 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 0:08 30:00
15:00 1 3 2 1 1 0:04 50
14:56 0:00 8:46 6:18 0:04 1:14 1
0 0 0 **** 23:42 30:00
15:30 1 2 1 1 1 0:06 100
18:12 0:00 0:00 11:48 0:06 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 18:12 30:00
16:00 1 2 2 1 1 0:06 50
13:28 0:00 0:00 16:32 0:06 0:46 1
0 0 0 **** 13:28 30:00
16:30 1 2 2 1 1 0:04 100
7:14 0:00 0:00 20:54 0:04 0:14 1
2 0 0 0:56 9:06 30:00
17:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:10 100
1:58 0:00 0:00 28:02 0:10 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 1:58 30:00
17:30 1 0 1 1 1 0:08 100
0:06 0:00 0:00 29:54 0:08 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 0:06 30:00
18:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:06 100
4:18 0:00 6:28 19:14 0:06 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 10:46 30:00
20:30 1 1 2 2 2 0:13 100
1:18 0:00 0:00 13:42 0:14 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 2:36 30:00
22:00 1 2 2 1 1 0:16 50
7:42 0:00 0:00 22:18 0:16 0:32 1
0 0 0 **** 7:42 30:00
23:00 1 1 1 1 1 0:10 100
2:08 0:00 0:00 27:52 0:10 **** 0
0 0 0 **** 2:08 30:00
24:00 1 1 7 1 1 0:22 20
0:52 0:00 0:00 59:08 0:22 0:34 4
0 0 0 **** 0:52 1:00:00
----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- --------
SUB-TOTAL (for 80.00%):
1 1 31 21 1 0:09 72
4:38 0:00 0:53 24:58 2:44 0:38 8
2 0 0 0:56 5:46 30:43
SUB-AVERAGE (for 18 records):

Thanks & Regards

crazybass2 said:

This is a lot to review. I'd like to help, but it's hard to evaluate what
is going on without a sample of the text file. Could you post an example of
what the text file looks like?


Ronald said:
Hi Experts,
The following is the module that has been created.

What it does is the script import and reaad line by lines from a rpt file
and extract certain information into a new excel worksheet each time it runs.

There is a standard worksheet call "template" that it will copy and rename
the worksheet to " MMM 'YY"

I start facing problem when date as indicated below from the raw data.
Date.......: 01/01/2005
Day of Week: Saturday

The problem only happens when date value > Year 2004.

It read the data correctly but it bypasses the copy template to template
(2), hence the rename of the worksheet will not work.

I do hope some excel experts out there can share some experience in
resolving this issue.

The script as follow

Sub Start()
Sheets("Abandon Calls (Rpt Mth)").Activate 'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation
Sheets("Abandon Calls (12 mths history)").Activate 'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation

Sheets("Setup").Activate 'Select Worksheet
RowCount = 11 'Read line from Row 11
ReadIn (Sheets("Setup").Cells(7, 3).Value + "\" +
Sheets("Setup").Cells(RowCount, 3).Value) 'Run sub program Read File
RowCount = RowCount + 1
'Do loop untill
Loop Until (Sheets("Setup").Cells(RowCount, 3).Value = "")
'Row is empty

Sheets("Abandon Calls (Rpt Mth)").Activate
'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
'Enable calculation
Sheets("Abandon Calls (12 mths history)").Activate
'Select Worksheet
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
'Enable calculation
End Sub
Sub ReadIn(SrcFile)
LineRd = 0 'Line Read starting
from Line 0
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Setup and create
the object
Set FF = fs.OpentextFile(SrcFile, 1) 'Setup FF as the
instance of the text file
Rep_Mnth = #1/1/2004# 'Assign variable
Rep_Mnth = 1/1/2004
Rpt_Mth = "" 'Assign variable
Rpt_Mth = ""
TmpV = "" 'Assign variable
TmpV = ""
Dim Field_Data(5) 'Declare each record
have 5 data

Do While Not (FF.AtEndOfStream) 'Do while source
file is not End of stream
LineRd = LineRd + 1 'Line + 1
Rec_Read = FF.ReadLine 'Temporary Store
Line in Rec_Read

If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3) And (Right(ACD, 5) = "45399")) Then
'If Read Line contains 3 : or ACD 45399 then
If InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3 Then
'If Read Line contains 3 :
Rec_Tme = Right("00" + LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 5 - 4, 5)), 5)
'Trim the time
TmpV = RTrim(LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 78 - 4, 5)))
'Temporary value

Field_Data(1) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 146 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Abandon value to Field Data 1
Field_Data(2) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 12 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Actual Agent to Field Data 2
Field_Data(3) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 49 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Average Call per aent to Field Data 3
Field_Data(4) = Round(CInt(Left(TmpV, InStr(TmpV, ":") - 1)) +
(CInt(Right(TmpV, 2)) / 60), 2) 'Assign Average Talk Time b seconds to Field
Data 4
Field_Data(5) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 39 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
call received to Field Data 5

If New_Mnth Then 'If It is new month
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True 'Enable calculation
Sht_Found = False 'Assign Sht_Found value
= false
For TmpV = 4 To Sheets.Count 'For loop till Tmp =
4th sheet
If Sheets(TmpV).Name = Rpt_Mth Then 'If 4th sheet = Rpt_Mth
Sht_Found = True 'Assign Sht_Found value
= true
TmpV = Sheets.Count 'TmpV = sheet count
End If 'End if

If Not Sht_Found Then 'If
Worksheets("Template").Copy After:=Worksheets("Template")
'Copy Template Worksheet
Sheets("Template (2)").Select
'Select Template(2)
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = Rpt_Mth
'Rename Template (2) to Rpt_Mth
End If
'Select Worksheet
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = False
'Disable calculation
End If

Sheets("Jan '05").Select
'Select Worksheet
Col_Indx = Day(Rec_Date) + 3
Cells(3, Col_Indx).Select
Row_Indx = 4 + (CInt(Left(Rec_Tme, 2)) + CInt(Right(Rec_Tme, 2)) /
60) / 0.5
For TmpV = 1 To 5
If (Field_Data(TmpV) > 0) Then
Cells(Row_Indx + (TmpV - 1) * 50, Col_Indx).Value =
End If
End If
If (InStr(1, Rec_Read, "ACD-DN....") > 0) Then
ACD = LTrim(Left(LTrim(RTrim(Right(Rec_Read, Len(Rec_Read) - 23))),
If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, "Date.......:") > 0) And (InStr(1, Rec_Read,
"(cont.)") = 0)) Then 'If read string starting after "Date...:" consist of
value > and string with cont.
Rec_Date = LTrim(RTrim(Right(Rec_Read, Len(Rec_Read) - 13))) 'Get
date in format 01/01/2005
Rec_Date = Mid(Rec_Date, 4, 2) + "/" + Mid(Rec_Date, 1, 2) + "/" +
Mid(Rec_Date, 7, 4) '
'Returns a Variant (String) containing a specified number of
characters from a string.
'Mid(string, start[, length])

Rec_Date = CDate(Rec_Date)

If Not (Month(Rep_Mnth) = Month(Rec_Date)) Then
Rep_Mnth = Rec_Date
Rpt_Mth = Format(Rep_Mnth, "mmm 'yy")
Sheets("Setup").Cells(3, 3).Value = Rep_Mnth
New_Mnth = True
New_Mnth = False
End If 'End If Not (Month(Rep_Mnth) = Month(Rec_Date))
End If 'Enf If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, "Date.......:") > 0) And
(InStr(1, Rec_Read, "(cont.)") = 0)) Then
End If
End If
'End Loop
'Close file
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = True
'Enbable Calculation
MsgBox ("Extraction of Data Completed, " + CStr(LineRd) + " lines
processed.") 'Completion Message
End Sub


Ok Ron, I think I found the trouble.

Within the second IF statement you have a line in your code 'Sheets("Jan
'05").Select' (shown below with the ----> in front of it). When you create
each sheet that sheet becomes active by default. I don't think you need to
select the sheet again. I've tested it without that line with the data you
sent me and it appears to function properly. I also duplicated the data and
changed the dates so that I have several months worth of data to work with.
Without that line it appears to run fine on my side.

You code read:

Do While Not (FF.AtEndOfStream) 'Do while source
file is not End of stream
LineRd = LineRd + 1 'Line + 1
Rec_Read = FF.ReadLine 'Temporary Store
Line in Rec_Read
If ((InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3) And (Right(ACD, 5) = "45399")) Then
'If Read Line contains 3 : or ACD 45399 then
If InStr(1, Rec_Read, ":") = 3 Then 'If Read Line contains 3 :
Rec_Tme = Right("00" + LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 5 - 4, 5)), 5) 'Trim the
TmpV = RTrim(LTrim(Mid(Rec_Read, 78 - 4, 5))) 'Temporary value
Field_Data(1) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 146 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Abandon value to Field Data 1
Field_Data(2) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 12 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Actual Agent to Field Data 2
Field_Data(3) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 49 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
Average Call per aent to Field Data 3
Field_Data(4) = Round(CInt(Left(TmpV, InStr(TmpV, ":") - 1)) + _
(CInt(Right(TmpV, 2)) / 60), 2) 'Assign Average Talk Time b seconds
to Field Data 4
Field_Data(5) = CInt(Mid(Rec_Read, 39 - 2, 3)) 'Assign
call received to Field Data 5
If New_Mnth Then 'If It is new month
ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True 'Enable calculation
Sht_Found = False 'Assign Sht_Found value
= false
For TmpV = 4 To Sheets.Count 'For loop till Tmp = 4
th Sheet
If Sheets(TmpV).Name = Rpt_Mth Then 'If 4th sheet = Rpt_Mth
Sht_Found = True 'Assign Sht_Found value
= true
TmpV = Sheets.Count 'TmpV = sheet count
End If 'End if
If Not Sht_Found Then 'If
Worksheets("Template").Copy After:=Worksheets("Template") 'Copy
Template Worksheet
Sheets("Template (2)").Select 'Select Template(2)
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = Rpt_Mth 'Rename Template (2) to
End If
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).Activate 'Select Worksheet
Sheets(Rpt_Mth).EnableCalculation = False 'Disable calculation
End If
----> Sheets("Jan '05").Select 'Select Worksheet
Col_Indx = Day(Rec_date) + 3
Cells(3, Col_Indx).Select
Row_Indx = 4 + (CInt(Left(Rec_Tme, 2)) + CInt(Right(Rec_Tme, 2)) /
60) / 0.5
For TmpV = 1 To 5
If (Field_Data(TmpV) > 0) Then
Cells(Row_Indx + (TmpV - 1) * 50, Col_Indx).Value =
End If
End If
If (InStr(1, Rec_Read, "ACD-DN....") > 0) Then

Let me know if that's not it...

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