


Ok, I had Microsoft Office 2000 Professional, now I have 2003 Professional and I figured this would go away but it didn't. Everytime I close Word I get this annoying pop up asking me if I want to save info to EZPhoto, I always say no but it adds this EZP to my shortcut bar at the top. Last time it was absolutely rediculous how many it had running along there. Someone please tell me how to disarm this feature??????


Hi, Crissy. Search for a file named EZphoto.dot in your Word Startup directory (my Startup directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Startup, but yours could be different). Move or delete this file and any other EZsomething files you find in the Startup directory.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Somewhere on your computer you have the EZ-Photo application (probably
installed by a scanner or other hardware). This software adds an add-in to
Word's Startup folder, and the add-in adds the button(s) to your toolbar.

Unfortunately, the add-in was written for Word 95 and doesn't function
properly with later versions, so you need to remove it. Once you've done
this, you can remove any and all EZP buttons from Word using Tools |
Customize. The files you're looking for (to delete) are Ezpwll32.wll,
Ezphoto.wll, Ezpwll.wll, and Ezpwll16.wll. You'll need to display Hidden and
System files in order to find these using Windows Find/Search.

For more on EZ-Photo, see "WD2000: Problems Caused By EZ-Photo 2.7 and
Earlier Versions [Q224727]." Note that it should *not* be necessary to
rename Normal.dot as this article suggests; this will remove all your
customizations, and the only reason I can see for doing it is to remove the
EZP buttons, which you can easily do yourself.

Crissy said:
Ok, I had Microsoft Office 2000 Professional, now I have 2003 Professional
and I figured this would go away but it didn't. Everytime I close Word I get
this annoying pop up asking me if I want to save info to EZPhoto, I always
say no but it adds this EZP to my shortcut bar at the top. Last time it was
absolutely rediculous how many it had running along there. Someone please
tell me how to disarm this feature??????


I found an EZP file where you said to look. It was not deleteable, so I
moved to the desktop, and then tried Word, and I still have about 20+ of
the EXP buttons on the toolbar! I use Win 2003 XP Professional & Office
2003 Student & Teacher Edition.

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