F2 Key - Microsoft Digital Media Pro Keyboard



This might be the best forum for this question, but I'm hoping someone can
help. I just installed the subject keyboard, which has various functions
programmed for each function key. Undo is mapped to F2. Since I use F2 so
often in Excel to edit the cell formula, I wanted to remap the key as F2, but
I don't see anyway to do this using the customization software.

Does anyone either know how to do so, or know another way to invoke the
formula editor?

Thank you.


Gord Dibben

If it weren't for Jason I would have thrown away the MM keyboard with its

Thank you Jason

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I hear you. As I just posted in my rant to MS, it's another example of
ruining the offer of new functionality by ramming it down our throats rather
than giving us a choice.

I'd like to use some of the enhanced keys, but would like the option of
remapping some (F1, F2, etc.) to their original function. Can't do it with
the software, and Jason's solution just hobbles the keyboard. Why on earth
MS would make the enhanced state the default after applications including
their own have been using the function keys since the 80's, I'll never figure


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