More headaches with Word 2007's dreaded Building Blocks.
I have a five-word phrase that I have set up in Quick Parts gallery and
Building Blocks, with the first two words being the name. When I look at the
Building Blocks Organizer, the phrase is there properly. It shows in the
preview properly. But when I type the first two words and hit F3, I'm told
it's not a unique building block name. There is no other building blocks
entry that has this same name. I can't figure out what's wrong here. I have
had problems with other autotext entries and formatting, but not a simple
phrase. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Word 2010 cannot come soon enough!!
I have a five-word phrase that I have set up in Quick Parts gallery and
Building Blocks, with the first two words being the name. When I look at the
Building Blocks Organizer, the phrase is there properly. It shows in the
preview properly. But when I type the first two words and hit F3, I'm told
it's not a unique building block name. There is no other building blocks
entry that has this same name. I can't figure out what's wrong here. I have
had problems with other autotext entries and formatting, but not a simple
phrase. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Word 2010 cannot come soon enough!!