F4 to repeat last action


Idaho Word Man

I often use F4 to repeat my last action in Word, but lately, if my last
action was typing something, F4 gives me everything EXCEPT the first letter.
Does this have something to do with the first letter being capitalized? Is
there a way to get it all?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, it has to do with the fact that if what you were typing was replacing
selected text, the first letter is counted as a replacement and the rest as
typing, so Word sees this as two separate Undo/Repeat steps. Yes, it's
annoying, but since it frequently has embarrassing results, it's good that
you have become aware of it.


I have this same problem with my version of Word 2003 on my computer at work,
but not on my home computer, where I also have Word 2003. And I never had the
problem prior to version 2003. So there must be some setting in 2003 that can
be changed, but I've looked all over and can't find it. If anyone knows where
that is, I'd love to know about it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If there is any different setting, it might be in the Smart Cut and Paste
settings (Tools | Options | Edit).


That's a good guess, and it's what I suspected too, but no luck. I tried
switching a ton of settings under tools/options/edit, but nothing's worked so
far. Like the original poster on this question, I've learned to work around
the problem by pasting instead of typing, but it sure would be nice to be
able to find a switch for this.

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