facilitating file opening in MS Word 2002 amd 2003; EMR; EHR


Gil Carter

Hi All,
I'd like to open files using just part of the file name so that "SmithJo "
would offer to open files named "000SmithJohn" and "000SmithJoann". It
seems that Word 2000 used to do this automatically. I know I can use
asteriks before and after but, is there a way to set the default so this
occurs. Windows XP and Word 2002 and 2003. I am a developer for electronic
medical record software using MS Word. I'd rather that users not have to
learn to use asteriks.

Cheers, Gil Carter, MD

Shauna Kelly

Hi Gil

There is no way to get Word 2002 or 2003 to work like Word 2000 did. Using
asterisks as wild cards gives people much more flexibility and control over
the results returned. It will be worthwhile teaching people how to use that

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Gil Carter

Thanks for your response Shauna. Trying to teach practicing physicians
about computer use is almost impossible. Most measure their time in seconds
and generally do not want to spend any time learning. I'd like to make it
as easy as possible for them to get started. Then they can learn more
gradually as they use it.

But perhaps I can take your advice more creatively. Perhaps I shall break
my electronic medical record presentations down to multiple small ones, each
with very limited scope. I shall consider further.

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