This is such an impediment to efficiency that I side-step it altogether by
inserting comments inline with text, either as an AutoText item or manually
keyed -- in both cases preceded by a keyed-in "#" sign for easy finding.
The comment is applied in a style that stands out on the screen and in
print. It takes 3-4 seconds to apply.
Then, if I need to show others the changes that have been made I select
Tools menu -> Track Changes -> Compare Documents, then navigate to the
previous version of the document.
I do this constantly in early versions of some highly collaborative document
development, and everyone is comfortable with it (especially colleagues who
take hard copies on the plane). It takes no longer than Word's "Comment"
facility and keeps control in my (our) hands. And it eliminates increasing
the electronic complexity of the document, which can lead to corruption
(avoiding corruption is a very high priority for me).
More details are on pages 129 and 208 of some notes on the way I use Word
for the Mac, titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free
download from the Word MVPs' website
[Note: "Bend Word to your will" is designed to be used electronically and
most subjects are self-contained dictionary-style entries. If you decide to
read more widely than the item I've referred to, it's important to read the
front end of the document -- especially pages 3 and 5 -- so you can select
some Word settings that will allow you to use the document effectively.]
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from North America and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
* SUGGESTION -- KEEP REVISITING AFTER YOU POST: If you post a question, keep
re-visiting the newsgroup for several days after the first response comes
in. Sometimes it takes a few responses before the best or complete solution
is provided; sometimes you'll be asked for further information. Good tips
about getting the best out of posting are at and (if you use Safari you may see a
blank page and have to hit the circular arrow icon -- "Reload the current
page" -- two or more times).
Correct. Balloons either show all changes, or none. There is no
equivalent to the old Comments Pane, which would show Comments only.
Please use Help | Send Feedback to let the MacBU know you would like to
be able to control balloons for comments separately. I'll try to
remember to do the same.
There is not actually any way to "elect not to see those particular
balloons"--that's the problem--so I'm not sure what you meant by that.
The Show menu in the Reviewing Toolbar refers to showing Insertions at
all, not just showing in Balloons or not.
You can set the Preferences to color code the types so that if you use
Balloons, the comments will stand out in their own color. That might
help a little.