Fade Music in PowerPoint



I have set a piece of music to play throughout my PowerPoint presentation,
but I would like it to fade out slowly at the end rather than stopping
abruptly. Any ideas?


Hi Jo

AFAIK PowerPoint can't do this. You will need to use music editing software
- I'm no expert but I downloaded Audacity for free and it's quite easy to
use. You can download it from here: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

MOS Master Instructor
South Australia

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Echo S

PPT plays sounds "as is." You'll need to do the fade in a sound editor and
then reinsert the adjusted sound into PPT.

Echo S

Audacity is indeed a good program for this type of thing.

(Now why did this response just now show up after I just posted a response?
Sheesh! It's dated/timed hours ago!)

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