Fading music in powerpoint


Rave Pilot

I am developing a PowerPoint presentation where I am using more then one
music file. The slides run into one another, with one slide I am using as an
introduction into the next section of slides. I have found that going from
one music file to the other with a sudden 'stop', breaks up the flow and feel
a bit, which i do not like.

My suggestion is that PowerPoint could fade a music file out or in, over a
number of 'slides'. This could be achieved a number of ways, one which comes
to mind is that you could tell PowerPoint to fade in over slide number's
2,3,4 and 5 etc Where 5 will be where the music file is at it's normal sound

I know I can use other programs to edit my music. I just thought this would
be a good thing to have, especially usefull for those who have no music
editing experience.

Thanks for your time.


PS: I am currently using Powerpoint 2003 for this project.

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