Failure to start



I have Outlook 2003. Recently once I close the program it will not open
unless I restart my computer. I have completed several malware, virus, and
microsoft scans and they find nothing. I also downloaded the new junk mail
fix and now outlook is slower (problem occured before junk mail download).
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks for the help.


Jeff said:
I have Outlook 2003. Recently once I close the program it will not ope
unless I restart my computer. I have completed several malware, virus
microsoft scans and they find nothing. I also downloaded the new jun
fix and now outlook is slower (problem occured before junk mai
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks for the help

Go to taks manage, process tab - is outlook.exe listed? Close it fro
there and try reopening.

See for causes

'Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center' (

'Outlook Tips' (


Jeff said:
I have Outlook 2003. Recently once I close the program it will not open
unless I restart my computer. I have completed several malware, virus, and
microsoft scans and they find nothing. I also downloaded the new junk mail
fix and now outlook is slower (problem occured before junk mail download).
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks for the help.

This is not an issue with shut down, it is an issue with opening after
closing of the program. Sorry if I was not clear.


Jeff said:
This is not an issue with shut down, it is an issue with opening afte
closing of the program. Sorry if I was not clear

Same difference. Outlook did not shut down correctly so it can't open
You need to figure out why its not closing cleanly and fix it, then i
will reopen without problems. Se
( for causes

'Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center' (

'Outlook Tips' (


Slipstick said:
Same difference. Outlook did not shut down correctly so it can't open.
You need to figure out why its not closing cleanly and fix it, then it
will reopen without problems. See
( for causes.

'Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center' (

'Outlook Tips' (

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Thank you, Thank you and Thank you. Closing through task manager worked. I will monitor that.

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