Faint dotted underline in Word 2003?


Rick Charnes

I am starting a new letter in Word 2003 and as I'm typing I notice that
Word has underlined the street address with a faint red dotted
underline. What is this? Thanks.



It indicates a smarttag. The line is actually purple. I am not at a
Word2003 machine right now, but I believe you can inhibit the display
with a an option in Tools>Options>View


Word is marking the words as words not recognized in its main dictionary.
It's a way to highlight possible misspelled words. When you see the red wavy
underline, you can right-click on the underlined word(s) and get suggestions
to correct, add to the dictionary, etc.

If you don't want to see the red wavy underline (which won't print, BTW), go
to Tools > Options > Spelling and Grammar tab > check the checkbox: Hide
spelling errors in this document or uncheck the checkbox: Check spelling as
you type (this will turn off the feature entirely).




In this case it is a purple dotted (not red wavy ) line. It is a
smarttag feature and the display can be suppressed with
Tools>Options>View>Show uncheck smarttags.

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