FAQ: No way to Customize "Project with DataBase via ASP"


lawrence chen

FAQ: No way to Customize "Project with DataBase via ASP"

There're some 'possible theories' to customize "Project
with DataBase".
1. (3 Tiers)SQL or MDB(MSP_WEB_Project table) <== IIS
ASP <== Browser(input complete%)

2. (3 Tiers)SQL or MDB(MSP_WEB_Project table) <==
Central server <== Browser(input complete%)

3. (3 Tiers)SQL or MDB(MSP_WEB_Project table) <==
2002 Pro server <== Browser(input complete%)

4. (2 Tiers)SQL or MDB(MSP_WEB_Project table) <==
Project Application(VBA Macro) (input complete%)

Especially, 1 & 2 is no way, because you can not trigger
Application Object in ASP to recalculate "Duration
Variance" and "Finish Variance", because the "estimated
finish date" is not recalculated or refresh after the
input of complete %. And still find nothing to refresh
the "Finish date" of those Summary Task. And don't try 2,
because it's very buggy version(COM object, ASP code, etc).
The worst is you can export part of .MPP data to Central
but you can not import schedule data from Central server
You almost have to recreate a "Project Web" for your
Considering ROI, why not implementing other solution ?

PROJDB.HTM and PRJOLEDB.HTM in your CD(No matter 2000,
2002) provide nothing about recalculation and refreshing.
You can find how to insert or Update every task fields.
And how to maintain the Database integrity by its official
Stored Procedure. But you have to do calculate and refresh

I didn't try 3. I know nothing about its stability and

My dear friend, MVP "Rod Gill" ever said:
"Project 2002 Server is very scaleable. During the beta
test program, one of the testers had 30,000 resources.You
can have hundreds of users at the same time accessing
Project Web Access, but you need the correct architecture
and the software installed correctly. Project Server can
now handle more users than Primevera. My understanding as
well is that Primevera is not truly multi-user. If two
users try to edit the same data there is a clash and
either one set of edits is refused or one gets over-
written. It handles several users changing data in
different parts of the schedule, but not the
same data."

But local reseller of Primavera at China ever
mentioned "the scalability of 2002 Pro server got some
problem". Only can provide 2 or 3 users to logon the web.
And most important is 2002 Pro server can not provide the
feature of 'commit transaction' on the Web

About Primaver and Pro2002 server,
Which is better, please let us know. Many Thanks.

There would be some possibility is 4. Because you can use
VBA to call the method "Application. CalculateProject" to
refresh your Task fields. Then your Excel can import
project data from Database. But the bad is "Application.
CalculateProject" will clear those in-progress tasks which
complete% is not 100% to 0%. You lose your data
of 'complete%'. You guies had better consider it.

If someone ever do that well, please reply it in the
NewsGroup, I will update this FAQ right away.

If you want to trigger Project object in ASP code you can
search "Server.CreateObject("MSProject.Project")" in
Google and find some.

And the error messages I ever met is following. It's not
the END, I still can not work on it after spending 2
afternoons . Don't do it !

ASP 0177 (0x80080005

Server {74B78F3A-C8C8-11D1-BE11-00C04FB6FAF1} timeout to
register DCOM。


Microsoft VBScript Run time error (0x800A01AD)
ActiveX component can not create
objects : 'MSProject.Project'
/lc.asp, line 18

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