Fast Way to Select Set of Rows Within a Word Table


Anon Canuck

Thanks in advance

I'm looking for a fast way to select a range of rows of a Word table, knowing the start and end "numbers" of the rows. The Selection.Move... Extend:=... techniques is very slow

Thanks again.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Canuck!

Have you tried, for example to select rows 3 to 8 in the currently active
Dim MyRange As Range

Set MyRange = Selection.Tables(1).Rows(3).Range
MyRange.SetRange MyRange.Start, Selection.Tables(1).Rows(8).Range.End

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Anon Canuck said:
Thanks in advance.

I'm looking for a fast way to select a range of rows of a Word table,
knowing the start and end "numbers" of the rows. The Selection.Move...
Extend:=... techniques is very slow.


1) It's much faster to avoid the Selection object entirely, if you can. If
possible work only with range objects.

2) The Rows property is not always available: for example, if the table has
vertically merged cells.

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