Whats the big issue with Pivot Tables in Access 2002 that everybody seems to have sooo many questions about it - and sooo many possible answers?? This issue has been going on for eons and the answers are so confusingly amazing..from uninstalling unrelated programs that might have affected it, minimizing Excel windows to make it work, pressing CTRL+ALT+raise your left leg+Shift+two fingers in each nostrils+Enter...there are so many possibilities for the cure....by the way I still have the same problem..Mr Gates?? hello Mr. Gates?? I'm wasting corporate money here devoting my time to whinning about some functions that never seem to work...Mr Gates?? you there?? I could use a grievance compensation here, how bout giving me a tablet PC with an old version of Access that has the Pivot feature functioning well and I promise I wont ever complain again...and I wont do my keyboard tricks again too. Nelson P.