"Fatal error during installation." due to RAID



I am seeing "Fatal error during installation." when trying to install the
OneNote Trial. I searched for this issue and read all the matches before
posting, and decided that there is one commonality to the machines with this
problem, and with mine - they have a RAID drive configuration. (I have a
simple Raid1 Mirror as my boot drive).

Unfortunately, I have seen no solutions posted yet.

I tried installing from the same file on another, non-RAID machine I have
and it would work (but OneNote is useless to me on that machine), so I know
my download is good.

Trying to install generates a file in temp - "Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
Setup(0001).txt". Towards the end of the file I have -

Reading from "C:\DOCUME~1\DAVID~1.STR\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\LocalCacheDrive" (Default: )
Couldn't find a local cache drive.
Already cached file: DW20.ADM_1033
Already cached file: DW20.EXE_0001
Already cached file: DWDCW20.DLL
Already cached file: DWINTL20.DLL_0001_1033
Already cached file: DWTRIG20.EXE
Already cached file: ONOTE11N.MSI
Already cached file: OSE.EXE
Already cached file: PSS10O.CHM_1033
Already cached file: PSS10R.CHM_1033
Already cached file: SETUP.CHM_1033
Already cached file: SKU1A1.XML_0002_1033
Completed download for file: DW20.ADM_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.ADM_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DW20.EXE_0001.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.EXE_0001
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DWDCW20.DLL.

Then this sequence of errors/retries goes on for several more files, then -

Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: SKU1A1.XML_0002_1033
Download retry succeeded
Finished CDCache Download, retrieving msi download info
6/13/2005 7:51:56 PM
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get resource info.

Also, before dismissing the error box, a IXP000.TMP directory exists in temp
with the OneNote install extracted. At the end of it is the following
section -

; The cache section provides settings for caching the install source locally
; Value Default Description
; CDCACHE auto Option to specify cache level
; [auto, 0, 1, 2]
; LOCALCACHEDRIVE <predefined> Option to specify a drive to cache
; the install source to
; DELETABLECACHE 1 Option to display UI to remove the
; cache at the end of setup [0,1]
; PURGE 0 Option to always remove cache at end
; setup [0,1]

Note that the localcachedrive is commented out and enforcecache is true.

I have tried copying this directory off (even to a CD) and installing from
it, but I get the same error. I tried modifying this .ini by uncommenting
localCachedrive and setting it to a directory, as well as setting
enforcecache=0. When I do this, I don't get the "Fatal error during install"
message, the install goes further, past the point of entering the key now,
and then it tells me the installation is corrupt and exits.

So, whatever this "localcachedrive" thing is about, seems to be the root of
this problem, and it is activated by a RAID configuration. Changing this
would fix it, but changes to the install are prevented. Does anyone know how
to workaround this issue or what localcachedrive is all about?

Microsoft, if you are listening, can you fix this install to work on RAID
configured machines? I really am interested in OneNote and will likely buy
it, but obviously not if it won't install on my machine.

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