Fatal error while installing



I get this exact message while installing OneNote 2003 trial:
"Fatal error during installation"

Then I look at the generated error report in my temp folder:
"Reading from "d:\temp\IXP000.TMP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\LocalCacheDrive"
(Default: )
Value: Error 0x800700ea failed to determine if drive was removable: D
Error 0x800700ea Couldn't determine what drive to cache on.
Error 0x800700ea Failed to determine local cache information from Office
Source Engine.
LocalCache has failed. EnforceCache has been set. Exiting..."

Then I make a copy of the extracted installation files and edit Setup.ini to
loog like:

Then Restart the installation and it asks for serial key, which is fine, and
"Microsoft Office OneNote setup cannot continue because the installation
source has been corrupted"

My guess is that the installation process failed to read some kind of
information about my D drive. Which of course should work even is my D is
two SCSI stripped RAID drives.

Michel Lemay

Someone suggested to turn off the drive, proceed to the installation and
mount the drive back.

It will probably work.... But it is completly stupid!

- First, my 2gig swap file is on the RAID drive for performance and space
reasons. And I'm not gonna move it anytime soon.
- Second, I'm not gonna disable a perfectly working drive for the purpose of
the installation of a trial software!
- Third, as seen by previous threads, that problem has been there for months
(if not years) and if MS can't fix their software, then I'm not gonna use
that crap!
- Fourth, this is completly outrageous that an installation package depends
on that sort of check ("failed to determine if drive was removable") and bail
out with a fatal error! I'm in software development and it is top priority
that the installation should never fail!

Anyhow, I've lost interest in that software.. so forget about me!


My experience is consistent with what Michel reported. The "Fatal error
during installation" message occurs every time I try to install OneNote to my
Dell Dimension with a RAID configuration. The error did not appear when I ran
the install on my laptop with a single hard drive.



I would appreciate any replies regarding a workaround or Microsoft fix for
this issue.

Thanks for your consideration.


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