Favicon on IE?



I have a favicon.ico in the root of my site. It shows up on Firefox but not
on IE 6. Any idea how to fix this?

Mark Fitzpatrick

You're probably doing everything right. IE doesn't display the
favorite icon unless the web site has been added to your favorites. Even
then, once a cleanup of the temp files and/or history is done then it will
remove the icon and it won't show up again. Basically, you've done
everything right and this is just a screwey thing that IE does.


Thanks Mark, favicon's IE help just told me to move the Address icon to the
right a bit a couple of times. WORKED! My favicon popped up.
Question is - how do/can I ensure the favicon appears for remote viewers of
the site?
I tried opening my main site and the std IE favicon was there. Moved it once
to the right and my site favicon popped up. grrr - how to make IE do it

David Berry

It happens when a user adds your site to their favorites. Then it will
appear when they go to the site again

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