Favorites.vss corrupt (Visio 2003, Windows 2000)



When I open visio file A, no problems.
When I open visio file B, I get:

The file ‘C:\Documents and Settings\user.name\My Documents\My Shapes\
Favorites.vss’ is part of the workspace but cannot be opened. The
file cannot be opened because itis corrupt.

I shut down visio and erase the file, but the behaviour is unchanged.
Thanks for any insight. Last thing I want to do is request a


So Paul, is Favorites.vss part of visio file A workspace? If so, then the
problem would seem to be your file B. If not, then try the following, close
all drawings in Visio, and then do File > open > Favorites.vss. This should
open (if possible) only the Favorites stencil. If that fails, then there
would seem to be a corruption with Favorites. If Favorites opens OK, then
that seems to validate problem with file B.

You might want to check out this Help/Support site:

As a precaution, check Paul Herber's reply to this post: Subject: Re: How
do I retrieve corrupt Visio file? 7/1/2007 10:58 AM PST



I’m not sure how to tell if Favourites.vss is part of the file A
workspace. There was no such file in File->Open, so I’m guessing that
its my Visio file that is corrupt. It sort of jives with your
explanation, though not entirely.

I’ve got your link below in my back pocket for when I come up for air.



Ah. Favorites.vss is a stencil. Your file B opening is balking at
Favorites.vss being corrupt. What I meant was, when file A opens, does it
load Favorites.vss. If so, then, Favorites.vss isn't the issue. But, if
file A doesn't load Favorites, then, there's no immediate clue. So, with
file A open, and Favorites not loaded, just try to open up the Favorites
stencil. If it opens, then all should be well with the stencil, and that
points to your file B as the issue.



I cut and pasted the whole thing into a new file. That solved the
problem. I'll try the solution below if the problem surfaces again.
Thank you for taking the time to clarify and explain.

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