Fax Modem Can't Fax



Help! I am trying to fax from Word 2003 and it just won't work!

I have a US Robotics Fax Modem and have it set up correctly (as far as the
wizards go). My recipient is set up with fax number in Outlook 2003's
Address Book. So far, so good.

I open my Word document, click File, Send To, Recipient Using a Fax Modem,
go through the ensuing wizard and presto! It Dials!

Here's the hard part: after a minute, it gives me a fatal error and ends.
What's up with this? What have I done wrong? The inherent Help function in
both Word and Fax Module is worthless at this point.

Any ideas?

Peter Jamieson

You';d probably be better off asking htis in a Windows or Outlook group,

Does the basic "Send a fax..." function work? (Start|All
Programs|Accessories|Communications|Fax|Send a fax...)

If so, does sending a fax by printing to the fax printer rather than
"recipient using a fax modem" work?

Peter Jamieson

Peter Jamieson

Then I'd definitely ask in a Windows group, perhaps


Peter Jamieson

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