


I need to automate a fax process that uses Fax Sr. network fax server

From a word UserForm I want to have a regular print button (saves the
creates, prints, saves and closes the document programatically) and a Fax
button. The print function is easy, completed, works. I need help with the
fax button. The fax sr. client is installed as a printer available via the
print dialog.

I want to have the user pick a number from the drop down on the UserForm and
then click the fax button to immediately send the document to the fax server
without having to go through the fax dialog.

I am bit lost as to how to proceed and would appreciate any guidance.


You will need access to the fax server's API to pass information from
Word to it, i.e., you cannot use Word's commands and object model alone
to accomplish this.


Tracy said:
You will need access to the fax server's API to pass information from
Word to it, i.e., you cannot use Word's commands and object model alone
to accomplish this.

Thanks Tracy, kinda was hoping to avoid that but I suspected as much. I need
more info on Fax Sr but there is very little on the web and nothing at the
website (all paid support, which we may have at work, gotta check on it).
I suspect there is a command line executable with options that would work -

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