Faxing on Win2000



I have managed to fax from Access 2000 .adp project, however I am having
some trouble.
When the default printer is my Fax printer, the fax is sent out just fine.
If my default printer is my regular printer, I get the following error:
Error # -2147024883, probably because the default printer can't be found or
it is turned off. My question is how do I choose/set the Fax printer so
that no matter which is the default printer, the fax will be sent to the
fax printer?
I am faxing from Access 2000 .adp using faxcom 1.0 type library. Help Will
be GREATLY appreciated because I will also need to print to the printer
depending on the user selection. I've searched the news groups and haven't
found a solution.
Below is the code I am currently using.

FaxServername = "MyCompterName"
Set faxObj = CreateObject("FaxServer.FaxServer")
faxObj.Connect (FaxServername)

Dim FaxDoc As Object
Set FaxDoc = faxObj.CreateDocument(FileNameAndPath_ToFax)
FaxDoc.faxNumber = "5555555"
FaxDoc.RecipientName = "John Doe"
FaxDoc.DisplayName = "John Doe"
FaxDoc.SendCoverpage = False
FaxDoc.SenderCompany = "ACME Co."

Thanks in advance.

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