FE/BE loading speed

  • Thread starter Slez via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

Slez via AccessMonster.com

I have a database that I recently split an Access 2002 database and not
surprisingly, opening the "MainForm", which contains numerous subforms takes
in excess of 60 seconds to load if there are multiple users in it at the same
time. I don't fully understand why this is because the front end is on each
users local drive and only the back end is on a netwark shared folder. Once
this mainform is loaded, everything else runs seemingly just as fast as
before splitting.

I have posted a question about this previously and only got one response,
which was Tony Toews and his code for the Load event of the
forms/subforms/comboboxes/listboxes. I am wondering if the code he offers on
his site is required in each form and control.

Also, is this the only available fix or are there other options out there?
Any suggestions are appreciated!

Albert D. Kallal

In your start-up code, create a persistent connection.......

this will then speed up the rest of the code....

The "list" of things to check for your problems can be found here:


The above mentions that persistent trick..and a good number of other things
to check.

Also, distribute mde can help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct).

Slez via AccessMonster.com

Thanks. I will try that and see what happens. I do have one follow up
question. What do you mean by your statement: "Also, distribute mde can
help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct)."?

Is there a "distribute mde" function that I don't know about? I simply did a
copy/paste of the front end to the users local drive.

Thanks again!

babyatx13 via AccessMonster.com

Have you tried using Auto FE Updater I use it and it works great.


copy and paste may be the reason you are having so much trouble with the

K Board
Thanks. I will try that and see what happens. I do have one follow up
question. What do you mean by your statement: "Also, distribute mde can
help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct)."?

Is there a "distribute mde" function that I don't know about? I simply did a
copy/paste of the front end to the users local drive.

Thanks again!
In your start-up code, create a persistent connection.......
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
Also, distribute mde can help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct).

Slez via AccessMonster.com

Everyone uses the term "distribute", the help topics use the term
"distribute", and posts on this forum use the term "distribute", but nowhere
does it tell me HOW to distribute. Is there a step by step preferred method?

Copying and pasting a file into the users local drive is the only way I
currently know how to get it there. There was nothing when I ran the wizard
that asked me to "distribute" amd I am unaware of any "distribute" type
functions in Access. I would appreciate some help with this!
Have you tried using Auto FE Updater I use it and it works great.


copy and paste may be the reason you are having so much trouble with the

K Board
Thanks. I will try that and see what happens. I do have one follow up
question. What do you mean by your statement: "Also, distribute mde can
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]

babyatx13 via AccessMonster.com

I suggest you read through every link in that web site it will walk you
through it step by step and show you how to distribute the FE. Print it out
if it helps.


Note: you will need an INI file for each computer you want to distribute the
front end to. This takes time but it is well worth the results.

Hint: you can copy and paste the INI file and just change the directory names.

K Board
Everyone uses the term "distribute", the help topics use the term
"distribute", and posts on this forum use the term "distribute", but nowhere
does it tell me HOW to distribute. Is there a step by step preferred method?

Copying and pasting a file into the users local drive is the only way I
currently know how to get it there. There was nothing when I ran the wizard
that asked me to "distribute" amd I am unaware of any "distribute" type
functions in Access. I would appreciate some help with this!
Have you tried using Auto FE Updater I use it and it works great.
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]

Darrell Childress

babyatx13 via AccessMonster.com wrote:
I'll just quickly throw in my "ditto" there. I use Auto FE Updater also
and am thrilled to have it.
Have you tried using Auto FE Updater I use it and it works great.


copy and paste may be the reason you are having so much trouble with the

K Board
Thanks. I will try that and see what happens. I do have one follow up
question. What do you mean by your statement: "Also, distribute mde can
help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct)."?

Is there a "distribute mde" function that I don't know about? I simply did a
copy/paste of the front end to the users local drive.

Thanks again!
In your start-up code, create a persistent connection.......
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
Also, distribute mde can help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct).

Albert D. Kallal

Thanks. I will try that and see what happens. I do have one follow up
question. What do you mean by your statement: "Also, distribute mde can
help this matter also (it don't use track-auto
name correct)."?

Is there a "distribute mde" function that I don't know about? I simply
did a
copy/paste of the front end to the users local drive.

yes, to distribute a word file, or excel file, or this case a mdb file..you
just copy it to each machine. So, distribute means exactly what you think it

As for using a mde, well, you should consider using a mde in place of a mdb.
I explain about using a mde here:


Slez via AccessMonster.com

I am using an mde, so I've got that going for me! Based on what I've read,
the speed issue will be addressed by that "persistent" connection.

Thanks to all for the great feedback!
Thanks. I will try that and see what happens. I do have one follow up
question. What do you mean by your statement: "Also, distribute mde can
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]
did a
copy/paste of the front end to the users local drive.

yes, to distribute a word file, or excel file, or this case a mdb file..you
just copy it to each machine. So, distribute means exactly what you think it

As for using a mde, well, you should consider using a mde in place of a mdb.
I explain about using a mde here:


David W. Fenton

Copying and pasting a file into the users local drive is the only
way I currently know how to get it there. There was nothing when
I ran the wizard that asked me to "distribute" amd I am unaware of
any "distribute" type functions in Access. I would appreciate
some help with this!

There is nothing wrong with distributing your front end in this
fashion. Behind the scenes, Tony's updater does exactly that (copies
the new front end over top of the old one). It's just intelligent
about it, doing it only when there is an actual update.

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