Feature ID Not Registered


Bobby Kearan

I am getting an odd error on Microsoft Office - after install, it will work
perfectly under the installer's log-on, but on a user log-on it gives
"Shortcut Error" "Feature ID not registered"

Can't find any information other than it is a windows installer error.

I have re-installed with the user signed on (using secondary log-on service
to 'run as'). I have given authenticated users and everyone permission to
the Microsoft Office folder, subfolders and files. I have logged in as local
administrator - and got the same error. Another administrator logged in and
got the same error.

Plenty of other computers have worked just fine using the previous install
method. Seems to be installing in a "only for me" mode.... but there isn't
an option in the install to select such a thing.

Any ideas??

The following are from the Apps log.

Event Type: Information
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 11728
Date: 6/12/2007
Time: 7:58:16 AM
User: TMKNB\b005bak
Computer: MSCLMLGD20960
Product: Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Standard -- Configuration completed

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 7b 30 30 30 32 30 34 30 {0002040
0008: 39 2d 37 38 45 31 2d 31 9-78E1-1
0010: 31 44 32 2d 42 36 30 46 1D2-B60F
0018: 2d 30 30 36 30 39 37 43 -006097C
0020: 39 39 38 45 37 7d 998E7}

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: WinMgmt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5603
Date: 6/12/2007
Time: 11:21:48 AM
Computer: MSCLMLGD20960
A provider, OffProv, has been registered in the WMI namespace, Root\MSAPPS,
but did not specify the HostingModel property. This provider will be run
using the LocalSystem account. This account is privileged and the provider
may cause a security violation if it does not correctly impersonate user
requests. Ensure that provider has been reviewed for security behavior and
update the HostingModel property of the provider registration to an account
with the least privileges possible for the required functionality.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Bobby Kearan

Office is installed and if you go to the Install folder under a different
log-on, you can double click the winwrd.exe and start the program. It gives
an error something like "There is a problem and this function is no longer
working properly. Run help: detect and repair"

Doing a detect and repair brings up a "Installation source not found"

May be helpful to note that this is being pushed out via CA - using a temp
folder to store the installs. I have added a network share to the net
sources in the registry.
Still, even downloading the install files and installing locally creates the
same issue with the "Feature ID not Registered"

Our previous department head went nuts with an NT security manual on the
computers that are having the problems. I can't even imagine what all he
'secured' over the two week period he was 'locking down' these unfortunate
PCs. Wound up making them pretty much non-functional.

Bobby Kearan

ALLUSERS is set to 2

This should install for all users and not require elevated rights, Yes?

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