Feature-One Note - Inserting email attachments as printouts

  • Thread starter PrinceCaspian-TheGreat
  • Start date


Currently, when inserting an attachment (i.e. pdf) into a onenote section the
attachment is inserted into the current page. Could you create an option to
create a new page (or subpage) for each attachment? Perhaps the attachment
name could be inserted as the title of the tab. the subpage(s) would fall
under the tab which contained the parent email.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Kathy Jacobs

Voted for this great suggestion. But then again, the OneNote team knows I
want it :)


I can't empasize enough how useful this would be to me! Having the
attachment as an embedded document rather than an easily viewable separate
page makes my life so much more difficult. Please please please implement
this suggestion!

Rainald Taesler

sonome said:
I can't empasize enough how useful this would be to me! Having the
attachment as an embedded document rather than an easily viewable
separate page makes my life so much more difficult. Please please
please implement this suggestion!

I simply do not understand what you want to have :-( :-(
Could you pls explain your wish a bit more?



At present, emails with attachments that are sent to OneNote have the
attachment inserted as an embedded file. It would be extremely useful to
instead have an option to have the attachment added as a printout in a new
page (or subpage).

Rainald Taesler

sonome said:
At present, emails with attachments that are sent to OneNote have
the attachment inserted as an embedded file. It would be extremely
useful to instead have an option to have the attachment added as a
printout in a new page (or subpage).

Thanks for explaining!
AFAICS the reason for not understanding in first place simply was the
fact that the text of the posting was without the introduction (which
had been placed in the subject <!>).

I agree that an *option* would be useful.

Therefore please You post this as a suggestion for the next version in
"Connect", the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the
developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that others can jump
in and vote for your suggestion.


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