Feature Request: Collapsable Sections



Loving OneNote. I think collapsable sections would be a huge feature to add.


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John Waller

I think collapsable sections would be a huge feature to add.

Can you describe how you would like it to work and how you would use it?


Hey John.

Currently you have logical blocks on the page, of text, images, etc. I'd be
nice of those blocks were collabsible like SharePoint web parts.
This could make for an easy way to do table of contents etc.


You can do collapsable sections. I actually have one page of a notebook that
I perform almost everything from and once I figured this out I have loved
OneNote ever since (I hope this is what you're looking for).

Here's how I do it as an example:

Table of contents
(tab here) Section 1
(tab here) section info blah blah
(back tab) Section 2
(tab here) section info blah blah

This will create levels that are completely collapsable. You can click the
blue arrow to the left of table of contents and it will collapse everything
beneath it. Likewise you can do the same under each section and subsections
as long as the text (or whatever) beneath those sections is tabbed in.

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