Feature Request - Lotus Notes Links


Selcuk Demiray

It would be very nice, if I could put links of several Lotus Notes Documents
links into OneNote. (It is possible with Word2003). I believe there are lots
of corporates which use Lotus Notes.

Selcuk Demiray

Erik Sojka (MVP)

It's been a while since I've used Notes/Domino, so forgive if I don't
fully understand what you're trying to do.

Are you looking to insert a link to a document on a Domino server? If
you can browse to it with a normal HTTP URL, you should be able to take
the same URL and paste/drag it into OneNote.

Are you looking to insert a link to a local NSF replica? You should be
able to do that by dragging the NSF file from Explorer into OneNote.

If there's something else you are looking to do, let us know.

Selcuk Demiray

Are you looking to insert a link to a document on a Domino server? If
you can browse to it with a normal HTTP URL, you should be able to take
the same URL and paste/drag it into OneNote.

Yes, I am looking to insert a link to a document of a database on a Domino
server, but we do not use browser based Domino.
Instead ,we use LotusNotes Client software. Let me give you an example:
When I reading a document of a Lotus Notes Database I am able to select
"Edit-Copy as Link-Document Link" from the menu.
If I paste this directly to OneNote or MS Word I got the following text:

Open Systems Security - 9. DBA Notlari\b. Kategoriye gore



<VIEW OF696B4999:77C075D4-ONC225689E:0060E410>

<NOTE OFC7ABD635:A6480289-ONC2256F77:003D44C8>


<REM>Open Systems Security</REM>


But if I make the following steps in MS Word "Edit-Paste Special-Paste as
Link- Display as Icon" , I got a Notes Icon and whenever I click this icon
it automatically lauches the related document. It works for MS Word and I am
trying to do the same thing in OneNote as well.

Best regards.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

OK. I imagine that's some kind of OLE link into the Notes database.
OneNote does not support OLE in the current version.

If there is some way to create a hyperlink with a FILE:// or HTTP://
extention then you can insert that hyperlink into OneNote.

A few things to try to see if a hyperlink can be created.
* Can you Edit | Copy the link to the clipboard and then paste into
Notepad? I imagine you'll get the same results as in OneNote.
* Can you Edit | Paste Special into Word? Maybe one of the other options
will yield a URL.
* Can you try dragging the document onto the page in OneNote?

Selcuk Demiray

Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
OK. I imagine that's some kind of OLE link into the Notes database.
OneNote does not support OLE in the current version.

If there is some way to create a hyperlink with a FILE:// or HTTP://
extention then you can insert that hyperlink into OneNote.

A few things to try to see if a hyperlink can be created.
* Can you Edit | Copy the link to the clipboard and then paste into
Notepad? I imagine you'll get the same results as in OneNote.

Yes, same as in OneNote.
* Can you Edit | Paste Special into Word? Maybe one of the other options
will yield a URL.

No, Unfortunately not possible.
* Can you try dragging the document onto the page in OneNote?
This yields an icon of the LotusNotes Database.

I think we will wait and hope for the next service pack will support OLE


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I think we will wait and hope for the next service pack will support OLE

Well, in the interests of tempering expectations, I can almost guarantee
that the next service pack won't include OLE linking. The last service
pack was very unusual for including a number of substantial new features
and the next service pack will almost certainly be a more traditional pack
of mostly bug fixes and other relatively minor tweaks.

You'll probably have to wait for the next major release (sometime late
next year I'm guessing) to see OLE linking. Keep in mind that 1) the
timetable I mentioned above is just a guess and 2)the feature set of the
next version hasn't been announced yet (at least not to me) so I don't
know for sure if there will be any OLE features, though I'm sure it's
being considered.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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