Feature Request: OneNote / MSN Messenger integration


Kirk Munro


My MSN Messenger usage for business has greatly increased lately, as has my usage of OneNote. I often find myself saving MSN Messenger conversations to disk so that I can refer back to them later (does this mean I should start every conversation with a "this conversation may be recorded… statement? J). Now that I have been saving conversations for a while, I find that the management of my conversation folder could be greatly improved through some kind of automation. This could be done with OneNote.

So my feature request is this: If OneNote is installed with MSN Messenger (or Windows Messenger for that matter), I would like to be able to save my conversations directly into a OneNote notebook (default name: My Conversations). Further, it would be ideal if MSN Messenger would have configuration to support this if OneNote was installed such that I wouldn't have to go through File|Save if I wanted all conversations recorded and such that it would prompt me for a conversation subject when exiting a conversation window if auto-save to OneNote was enabled. On the OneNote side, I would like to be able to save conversations with different people in separate folders, so I could have a Joe Q User folder with conversations about Weather, Movies, etc. Multiple conversations about the same subject could be recorded on sub-pages.

I realize this should be distributed to the MSN Messenger team as well, however I don't subscribe to their notebook. Anyhow, I think this would be a really great feature for corporate users of Messenger programs, whether it be MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger. Hopefully I'm not the only one who sees value in this so that it will actually be considered.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for making a really great product. I can't wait to see where it goes as it becomes more tightly integrated into other Microsoft applications.


Kirk Munro

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Which messenger client are you using? The newest MSN one saves all
conversations once you enable it.

Steve Silverwood

Kirk --

I know this isn't what you were requesting, but there is another IM
client to consider: Trillian. The "Pro" (i.e., registered) version
keeps a history of conversations, so whenever I initiate a new chat with
someone, the previous history for that "buddy" comes up in the new chat
window, as though I had never closed it. Might be worthwhile as an
interim solution. See www.trillian.cc for details.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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