Feature Request: Shortcut Collapse/Expand One level from current level.


Jose Robins

I use the expand/collapse feature of the outlining feature in oneNote a lot.
I accomplish this via a mixture of keyboard shortcuts (Alt + Shift # etc.)
and mouse movements.

One thing that I think will tremendously improve experience this would be a
shortcut key
1. to just expand one level below the level that I'm currently in
2. to collapse to one level above the level that I'm currently in

This will do away with the need to figure out which specific level I'm in
the current list, in order to figure out which shortcut key that I would
really need to use. The above concept can be slightly expanded to
"collapse/expand 2 levels" and so on and so forth.

Any backers to this idea?


Grant Robertson

One thing that I think will tremendously improve experience this would be a
shortcut key
1. to just expand one level below the level that I'm currently in
2. to collapse to one level above the level that I'm currently in

I support this idea.

This will do away with the need to figure out which specific level I'm in
the current list, in order to figure out which shortcut key that I would
really need to use. The above concept can be slightly expanded to
"collapse/expand 2 levels" and so on and so forth.

I do not support this idea. That would just waste a lot of shortcuts when
the user could easily just use the above shortcuts multiple times.

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