Feature request


Daniel Jonsson

This program is one of the best ever made my Microsoft. I have used it since
it was launched every day. I have found only 2 things missing for me, hence I
post it here in an attempt they will be honoured in next release

1. Ability to change between "readwrite" and "read only" on the block (gray
background box that holds the text). Certain information such as numbers,
calculations would be protected from accidental writing.

2. Ability to "hide" any text so it becomes ****** instead of original text.
This text should not be searched also. Many times I write confidential notes
for hundreds of clients which are in my notebook. I don't want to
accidentally show certain information in the middle of non confidential text
unless I specifically mark it to be visible.
Ex. "Creditcard nr for client A: ***************"
Ex. "Profit for client B: $***** but not verified yet."

Currently I use outlining for this, but Onenote likes to open up the outline
sometimes and also show up any information in search list.

That's it, I have no other features I'd like to see implemented.


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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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John Waller

That's it, I have no other features I'd like to see implemented.

Hmm ... a few additions I'd like to see (in an already impressive piece of

- tables
- automatic sorting of section tabs e.g. alphabetical
- better drawing tools (as a minimum, all those already implented in the
Office suite)
- hyperlinking between different ON pages (and sections)

Hopefully these are already being beta tested in the next version of ON :)

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

2. Ability to "hide" any text so it becomes ****** instead of original
This text should not be searched also. Many times I write confidential
for hundreds of clients which are in my notebook. I don't want to
accidentally show certain information in the middle of non confidential
unless I specifically mark it to be visible.
Ex. "Creditcard nr for client A: ***************"
Ex. "Profit for client B: $***** but not verified yet."

For now your best solution there is to keep that stuff in a
password-protected section.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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