Feature requests: erasing using the pen's rear end and scrolling the page


Michael Moser

One thing I find very convenient and intuitive when using the Pen/Ink
mode is, that one can use the pen's rear end to erase written stuff
Unfortunately, that erasing only works in Pen mode. Couldn't one also
support that it erases text and other items? Turning the pen over and
wiping out stuff is much more intuitive!

And what I would also like to see is, that one can press the pen button
and move it and that this moves the paper (i.e. scrolls the viewport). A
few programs I use have that feature and that is SOO much more intuitive
than scrolling using a scrollbar, esp. since the pen-localization is
rather unprecise close to the edges and having to hit a narrow scrollbar
with a pen is very tedious and interrupting.


Rainald Taesler

Michael said:
And what I would also like to see is, that one can press the pen
button and move it and that this moves the paper (i.e. scrolls the

I fully agree!!

ON is not really "pen-friendly" {siiigh}
Too many things which do not work when using a pen and no keyboard.
Just see the many "key-combinations" which are out if sight when using a
A few programs I use have that feature and that is SOO
much more intuitive than scrolling using a scrollbar, esp. since
the pen-localization is rather unprecise close to the edges and
having to hit a narrow scrollbar with a pen is very tedious and

The only recommendation that I have in so far is:
Pls post this as a suggestion for the next version in "Connect" (the
place for submitting
suggestions and bug reports to the developers team):

When done, pls drop a note with the URL of your posting in here so that
we can jump in and vote for your suggestion.



Michael Moser said:
One thing I find very convenient and intuitive when using the Pen/Ink
mode is, that one can use the pen's rear end to erase written stuff
Michael, I know you are hoping for better integration of pen into text mode
but here's something you can use in pen mode (in case you had not picked it
up): a quick/fast back and forth mark/motion over the written or drawn
material will erase what's under the pen at the time. Try it... it becomes a
very quick step. If it "fails" do it again, faster, maybe. This gesture, too,
is intuitive.


Michael Moser

Rainald said:
I fully agree!!
The only recommendation that I have in so far is:
Pls post this as a suggestion for the next version in "Connect" (the
place for submitting
suggestions and bug reports to the developers team):

When done, pls drop a note with the URL of your posting in here so
that we can jump in and vote for your suggestion.

Submitted here: https://connect.microsoft.com/onenote/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=422166


Michael Moser

Jonathan said:
Michael, I know you are hoping for better integration of pen into
text mode but here's something you can use in pen mode (in case you
had not picked it up): a quick/fast back and forth mark/motion over
the written or drawn material will erase what's under the pen at the
time. Try it... it becomes a very quick step. If it "fails" do it
again, faster, maybe. This gesture, too, is intuitive.


Yes, I am using that occasionally, but it requires prior selection.
Just turning the pen over and starting erasing would not require that.


Rainald Taesler

Michael said:
One thing I find very convenient and intuitive when using the Pen/Ink
mode is, that one can use the pen's rear end to erase written stuff
Unfortunately, that erasing only works in Pen mode. Couldn't one also
support that it erases text and other items? Turning the pen over and
wiping out stuff is much more intuitive!

I fully inderstand waht you are after!

I myself have not yet got a pen with an "Eraser-Head" :-( :-(
Those are quire expensive.

A very fine example for what you are after is the "ODF-Annotator" [1].
It has an "Erasing" feature which allows even for erasing in a PDF.

Another really fine example is SnagIt [2] ,where one erase hust
everything in an image.

Therfore - as usual - you may post this issue as a suggestion for the
next version in "Connect", the place for submitting suggestions and bug
reports to the developers team:


Rainald Taesler

Michael Moser wrote:

And what I would also like to see is, that one can press the pen
button and move it and that this moves the paper (i.e. scrolls the
viewport). A few programs I use have that feature and that is SOO
much more intuitive than scrolling using a scrollbar, esp. since the
pen-localization is rather unprecise close to the edges and having to
hit a narrow scrollbar with a pen is very tedious and interrupting.

I agree.
As usual: Connect-site and URL dropped in here.


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