Features not supported by Word 6.0/95



I am running Word 2002 (SP3) as part of office suite under Windows XP
Professional 2002 (SP2).

When I make changes to recently created documents (ie also created by Word
2002) and try to save the document (or save as a new Doc), it throws up a
message: "Some of the features in this document are not supported by MS Word
6.0/95" plus a box detailing the features.

Any explanations and/or suggestions gratefully received!

Evadne Cake

I am running Word 2002 (SP3) as part of office suite under Windows XP
Professional 2002 (SP2).

When I make changes to recently created documents (ie also created by Word
2002) and try to save the document (or save as a new Doc), it throws up a
message: "Some of the features in this document are not supported by MS Word
6.0/95" plus a box detailing the features.

Any explanations and/or suggestions gratefully received!

Have you checked the program options (Tools > Options)? I seem to recall (I
don't have access to a PC right now, I'm using a Mac) that there is a box in
the Save tab that states something like "warn if features are incompatible
with older versions" IMS, or there's a box marked "disable features
introduced after...". Sorry, there is only one working PC in this house at
the moment and my father's using it. Once he's finished, I'll have a look.
Giving you a reply based on 2004 isn't going to be very helpful! ;o)


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